Chapter 23

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Alex went first, then Kami. Then it was my turn.

I tried to shake my head to clear away all distractions and heartaches, putting all attention on the slippery rocks in the dark. Using my arms as balance, I took one step at a time, edging towards the bank opposite. Before long I was near the end, but I heard a familiar growl.

My jaw tightened. I stepped onto the bank and brandished my bat. I singled out where the sound came from and attacked as the others looked on in horror.

Over and over I hit the zombie, until it fell to the ground and I continued to bash it. Alex pulled me away from the body.

"Calm down, you got it," he assured me.

"Let me go," I hissed. He did and I stepped away from the zombie. I motioned an arm forward into the dark and Alex nodded, continuing to guide us into the wilderness.

Not long after the river, we came up to a meadow with a lone tree in the middle.

We walked up to it, and put our things down against the muddy roots.

"It should've been me," I muttered.

Kami shook her head and lightly pushed me to the ground. "Shut up and sleep." She dug a blanket out of her pack and draped it over my shoulders before taking her spot as lookout beside Alex.

I grabbed at the pendant Marc had given me only hours ago, and bitterly cried myself to sleep.

The next day was oddly warm. "Where are we even going?" I relaxed my shoulders and let my bag drop to the ground.

"Southeast, I think," Alex said, digging in his bag. "Let me check."

I tossed everyone a trail mix bar while Kami collapsed in the grass, admiring the view.

"I'm trying to take us to a different direction than where we came," Alex studied the paper. "From what I heard from the raiders, most Strongholds on this road are fairly near towns. As long as we're careful, we should run into more people eventually."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I growled.

Alex struggled to fold up the map and scowled at me. "We can't live off trail mix bars forever, so what else would you have us do?"

"Fine, I haven't seen any landmarks, let alone a road, so how do you know where we are anyway?"

"Well, after going through those woods-"

"-We're lost, aren't we?" I finished. Alex said nothing. I threw up my hands. "I knew it."

Kami stood up and peered over the countryside. "Are those horses?" She pointed across the field and I followed her gaze. A few animals were grazing in the distance.

"We'd get farther on horseback than we ever could on foot," she said excitedly. "And if there was a farm around here, that could mean food and a road!"

"There are a few problems with that plan," said Alex. "Like, I don't know how to ride a horse."

Kami smirked and dusted off the seat of her trousers. "Easy, I'll teach you. I used to go riding every weekend in high school."

I crossed my arms. "Any other superpowers you want to tell us about?"

She laughed, and Alex and I grabbed our packs and ran after her.

We came across a barn, with one door to the pasture wide open. We pushed open a smaller door and I had to cover my face at the stench of waste.

"I guess no one is here to clean up after these guys," I said, muffled by my sleeve. There were a few needles of hay scattered around, but besides that, no food or water. I only hoped that the horses were able to find what they needed outside for all those weeks.

Kami pushed open another door inside of the barn and returned with some equipment and a little bag. I looked at her questioningly.

"Sugar cubes. It may not be a full course meal, but if it's still good I'm sure they'll appreciate it," she explained. "Put your things down. We're going back out."

We dropped our bags and cautiously followed her.

We hung back while she carefully marched up to one grey animal. I hadn't realized how big horses were, but its back came well above Kami's head, and it looked to be a normal sized horse. She held out her palm with a few cubes balancing on it, but the horse anxiously trotted away. She tried again, slower, and the horse let her approach, snacking on the sweet treat as she stroked its back and face. She slipped on a bridle over its ears, which it tried to shake off at first, but then ignored. She gave it a pat and then guided it over to me and Alex.

"This one is really gentle, I can tell," she said. "Alex, watch her, will you?"

He grabbed the reins and awkwardly patted its neck as Kami went farther into the pasture to retrieve the other two horses.

The second one was hanging around a water trough that must have been filled with rainwater. It took longer for Kami to lasso since it kept jumping away after grabbing a sugar cube from her hand. Eventually it let her put the bridle on, and she led it over to me.

I uncertainly took the reins. The horse stared at me with its brown eyes, then swung back its head and snorted in my face. I stepped back, but kept my grip on the reins.

After a little while Kami returned with the last horse and she guided us back to the barn. She showed us how to brush out their dusty coats and we led them back out to the pasture.

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