3~ Secretly Nice...

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Tuesday- three days until the dance...

~Chloe Bourgeois~

Some people hate me. Some people only listen to me because my father is the mayor. Others try to use me, believe it or not.

For almost my entire life, I've been mean to others. I've bossed people around, not caring if I hurt them or not. 

But now...

Secretly, I know how it feels. How it feels to me yelled at, to be shunned, to be hated. I know what it's like to be different. 

Ever since I found the Bee Miraculous, ever since Ladybug gave me a second chance...

I've seen the world differently.

You don't treat people terribly to get what you want. My mother was wrong about that. If your nice, if your kind to others, like Ladybug and Chat Noir, like Marinette Dupain-Cheng... you can make friends.

Real friends, not fake ones.

Adrien has been the only one who wants to be my friend, and Marinette... 

I made her life miserable. She'll never be my friend after how I've made her feel- how I've made her hurt

But maybe she'll give me another chance. Like Ladybug did.

Like Adrien.

It's worth a try.

I'm not mean anymore, no matter what that bitch Lila Rossi tells you.

I've changed.

And I'm going to prove it.


~Marinette Dupain-Cheng~

I sighed as I closed the trapdoor behind me, falling on the floor and letting out all the stress that had piled up inside me over the course of the school day.

Alya- who had followed me home, the two of us having planned to hang out and work on the dresses today- laughed, plopping down on my bedroom carpet beside me. 

"You look tired," She exclaimed, noticing the dark circles under my eyes.

"I stayed up till four AM working on those," I lazily lifted my arm, gesturing limply towards two mannequins with Rose and Juleka's dresses, which had taken longer then I thought.

"Oh my god! Girl, you must be exsausted! We can hang out later- you should rest, Mari. Seriously!"

I forced myself to sit up, shooting Alya a glare.

"I can't rest, Alya. Alix needs to be measured again and I need to buy more pink fabric because I ended up using it all on Rose's dress, the hem on Juleka's dress is falling apart, I still need to sketch Mylene's dress, as well as Kagami's, and I need to buy a new zipper because the one on Rose's dress got jammed and broke. Not to mention that I have to get all these dresses done by Friday, yours and mine included, which leaves me two days to make eight dresses, because Sabrina asked me to make hers this morning.

"And even if I stay up all night to work on these dresses, I don't think that I'm going to be able to make my dress- so, no, Alya, I can't rest. All I can do is work. My parents are catering the dance and constantly need my help with preparations, and it's not that I don't not like helping them, I just have a lot on my plate. Oh, and I almost forgot-" I was on my feet now, probably looking like a crazy person. "Kitty Section is performing and they all need new costumes to match their outfits, Nathanael asked me to help him and Marc design posters today, and, as of this morning, I'm going to the dance with Adrien freaking Agreste!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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