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it was sunday. which meant that it was the day bakugo and kirishima usually hung out or went to see a movie together, but the both of them assumed that was off the list for the day since bakugo left pretty frustrated.

that morning, kirishima couldn't find a particular reason to hop out of bed. the headache that pounded his head wouldn't leave, and he was practically naked; so stepping out of the covers wasn't ideal. his hand lazily reached over for his phone buzzing on the nightstand as he hoped that it was bakugo to let him know everything was fine. he couldn't stop feeling so fucking guilty.

kirishima payed no attention to the name displayed on his screen as he picked up, "'sup?" he asked in a croaky voice.

"hi!" an annoying voice called out from the other end of the line.

"oh. hey ann.." kirishima planted his hand over his face. ann was becoming a huge burden to him, but he had to keep in mind she was still kinda his love interest.

ann scrunched up her nose and pouted, although kirishima couldn't see her. "wow! why do you sound so tired?" she asked.

"why do you think?!" kirishima raised his voice. "i just woke up!"

"woah, calm down. i don't think any normal person wakes up at 12..."

"damn, guess i'm not normal then. why'd you call?"

"i dunno! you asked to exchange numbers on friday, so i thought i'd give you a call."

kirishima sighed. "listen, ann... i'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. but i'd love to talk to you at school tomorrow..! how about that?" he tried to offer.

ann giggled obnoxiously, "whaaat? so, is this about bakugo still? i apologized to him afterschool. he's fine!"

"what? you did?" the boy sat up right, causing his headache to worsen.

"hm? yeah, i did. he didn't tell you?"

"no... he got angry with me that day and charged off. i didn't know he hung around, i thought he went home!" kirishima pulled off his covers and hopped into his jeans, holding his phone to his ear with the use of his shoulder.

ann heard the rustling over the line. "well yeah, he said he was waiting for you to go apologize or something."

"what?! dammit," he cussed and threw on a shirt. "so, he was expecting me to apologize? fuck, i didn't know if i should've caught up to him. i thought he was going to be too damn frustrated with me to even talk..."

"what even happened...?" ann asked, genuinely curious.

"uhh," kirishima found himself trying to search for an excuse, but failed. "it's nothing. uh, i'll talk to you tomorrow!"

before ann could reply, he hung up. he shoved his phone into his back pocket and double checked in the mirror before heading out his room, reminding his parents that he was going to go hang out with bakugo. kirishima laced up his shoes and exited the house, jogging in the direction towards bakugo's apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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