Soap and uwu

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                        John pov

I awoke to the sun blaring on my face. I squinted, and sat up.

My eyes were not even able to open, due to the intense brightness.

"Jesus you vistin' bro? God damn." I say groggily, and look over and see Alex sleeping under the pillow.  I get outta bed, and sigh of relief knowing my clothes are still on. I make my way (downtown-) to the bathroom and turn the shower on.

Hey, i stink like shit. Who knew.

I undress, and step on in. My skin instantly meeting the hot water, and i melt into it. Hot showers calms my shocks somewhat, and i love hot showers in general so yea.

Then i realize this isn't even my house, it's Alex's.

"Oh my fucking god-" i say while soap slowly runs down my face and gets into my eyes.

"sHIT IT BURNS-" as i frantically wash it away with water.

"You good bro?" I hear a tired voice say.

"Im fiNe" I say and wash my eyes with water, trying to get rid of the soap.

"You sure? I heard yellin'"

"SoaP goT iN mY eyE."

"Oof. Sucks to be you."

"Fuck you."


"Just stop."

I snort and he snorts from outside the door. My eyeball was now clear of that stupid soap, and i was ready to get on out. Dumb soap ruined the mood.

"Fuck you soap." I mutter and turn off the water.

I dry off and put on my clothes, cleaning up my dirty ones. A nice white shirt and pants.

And of course that shirt has a lil "uwu" face on it don't judge me its my most cherished item i own- (i low key want that shirt now- edit5minslater: biTCH THIS EXISTS I LOOKED IT UP)

I walk on out, and Alex nods at my shirt choice.

"That is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"I know right." I flip my hair. He chokes.

"I meant the shirt, but hey your not to bad yourself~" He smirks and my face goes red.

"Shut uP."


"Did you just uwu me-"

"No regrets" i say and he rolls his eyes.

Maybe i don't regret this sleep over after all.

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