Chapter 2

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Please help me find other pics of silver wolves for the little photo deal.

Breeze blinked.
Night of the Meeting with the other packs. She thought.

Breeze trotted out of her den. The silver female looked around, the sun was already half way across the sky.

Oh no! I slept half the day away.... welp.

It was a windy day, the slight wind ruffled Breeze's beautiful silver fur.

Breeze looked over to the prey pile, which was neatly stocked with small rodents and a doe.

Breeze turned to see Luck.

"You're vigil is over." Breeze told the young beta.

"Thank you so much, Breeze! Pond invited me to go hunt with him, I better get going! Bye." Luck told her alpha just before bounding off.

Breeze nodded, sat down, and curled her tail around her paws.

The silver female smiled, she remembered when her and Lion had went on their first hunt together, it was when she realized she loved Lion.

I do want to have pups, just not yet. I have a whole life ahead of me. Breeze told herself.

Breeze sighed. The last couple days had been quite boring, she had nothing to do but sit around and watch her packmates go by.

A moment later, a white she-wolf trotted up to Breeze. "Can I take a patrol up to the human sighting?" She asked.

"Not unless I come." Breeze replied. "Where's Lion?"

-Lion's over there talking to Ocean."

-Okay, Snowflake. I'll go get some other wolves to come with us, you go tell Lion we're leaving." The silver female ordered.

-Yes, ma'am." Snowflake bowed just before running off to the other side of camp.

Breeze stretched, then let out a big yawn.

The silver she-wolf padded into the main clearing where very few wolves sat; Christy, Gray, Autumn, and Claws, the others were out hunting or patrolling.

"Autumn, Gray, Christy, I need you to come on a patrol with me and Snowflake to the human sighting."

The three wolves nodded and padded over to the camp's entrance.

A second later, Snowflake bounded over to the camp's entrance.

Breeze lead her patrol out of camp, the wind ruffling their thick pelts, Snowflake stood at Breeze's side, then the white female sighed.

"Breeze, I'm scared. What if the human is still there? What if one of us gets killed?!" Snowflake snapped.

-Would you rather them  track down our camp and kill all of us?" Breeze challenged.

-Well-well." The white female paused. "No!!!"

-That's what I thought, now let's keep moving."

Stories of the Packs (book 1): DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now