| It continues..| Chapter 5 |

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Garroth's P.O.V

As Laurence and I looked around the school for our class room, we finally stumbled upon the correct classroom. "This is it!" I said enthusiastically, Laurence chuckled a bit and we walked into the classroom. We saw our main teacher sitting on a stool, waiting until the bell rung to begin reading class. The teacher looked over to us and smiled warmly, she had black hair, with piercing green eyes. "You two must be new!" Our teacher said and walked over to us, she gave Laurence a long look, before she directed us to our table. "Why did our teacher stare at you..? That's not nice!" I mumbled to Laurence as we both sat down at the same table arranged desks. The brunette laughed a bit and shrugged it off. I scanned the class room, observing all the kids we had in our class. I saw Gene, Aphmau, Zenix, and girl with blue hair and blue eyes. "Alright class! My name is Ms.W, and today we will be getting to know each other! It is the first day of 4th grade after all!" Our teacher smiled, and glanced over at our table. "So, we are going to play a game. It's a guessing game! And whoever gets something right, you get to pick a person you want to question." She said casually, and the teacher pulled out a deck of cards.

"Hm this is a animal, and lives in the sea." She said, not giving that many hints. Laurence raised his hand, the teacher looked over to him then looked away, acting as if she never saw him. The brunette sighed a bit and dropped his hand down. Suddenly Gene raised his hand, "Ah! Yes Gene?" The teacher called on him immediately. "A whale." He said proudly, the teacher nodded and handed him the card. I heard Laurence growl under his breath and soon after clear his throat. "I wanna ask Garroth a question." Gene snarled rudely, the teacher let the response slip by and she nodded. "Garroth, why are you friends with Laurence? You don't have bandages on your face, and you are way better!" Gene exclaimed, I sighed a bit and looked down. "He's a nice p-person, and he h-has a great p-p-personality. Unlike someone I k-know!" I snapped and him a looked back up, heat rising to my face. I looked over to Laurence and saw him covering his face for some reason. "A-and once his bandages are off h-he's gonna show you how n-nice he looks!" I added and covered my face embarrassed. The teacher stood silent and shrugged a bit, not doing anything about what just happened.

Laurence's P.O.V

I can't believe she would ignore me when I have an answer, and not do anything about the question Gene asked. What kind of teacher is she? I took a deep breath and cleared all the blush off my face, I looked over to the teacher, waiting for the next question. "This is an insect, and it is know for the color red." She said and looked around the room. I flung my hand in the air, the teacher looked over to me again and looked away. I grunted a bit and stood up, making myself noticed. The teacher looked over to me again and sighed a bit. Zenix raise his hand and the teacher called on him, I sat back down in my seat and took a deep breath trying to calm down. 'She's ignoring me on purpose.' I thought and shook my head slightly, the thought fading away. "A ladybug." Zenix said smugly, the teacher nodded and Zenix pointed at me. "Laurence. Why is your face bandaged? You look like you were in the hospital." My eyes widened and I looked down at the table, I stood silent and I heard the teacher call my name. "Laurence, you need to answer." She said sternly. "...No I don't." I said back, looking at her with a blank expression. "Yes you do. It's the rules." She responded and folded her legs. "It's also one of the rules to not ignore people, right?" I said and pointed to the poster of rules she put up. She nodded and raised an eyebrow, confused. "And it also says to make people feel welcomed, correct?" I asked again. She nodded once more, still confused. "So I guess we both broke some rules today, didn't we Ms.W?" I said and turned back correctly in my seat, my back facing her. She grumbled something and sighed. "You still need to tell us." She pushed the question, I buried my face into my hands and dried away the tears the were threatening to fall. "I don't. I really don't, you don't make me talk do you? Exactly you don't, so I don't need to tell you!" I snapped at her defensively and crossed my arms In front of me, placing them on the desk. I leaned my head on my arms, the teacher pouted a bit and read out the next card. "Something that can be multiple colors, it's a fruit." She called out the hints, I kept my hand down knowing I wouldn't be picked on anyways. I saw Garroth meekly raise his hand, the teacher turned to him and pick on the blond boy. Garroth gulped and he turned to me. "....I don't know.." he mumbled and looked down, I saw dishonesty in his eyes, and I knew what he was about to do. He looked over to me and smiled a bit. "Can Laurence help me?" I then asked. The teacher thought for a moment, she then nodded her head slowly. "A apple." I said, my voice muffled from my head still being down. "Correct.." she said, I raised my head and gave Garroth a thankful look. He nodded warmly and I looked over to the others, thinking of who I should ask, and what I should ask. "....Gene, what's your zodiac sign..?" I simply asked him. I had done some research when I still had access to internet, and I remember what most of the zodiacs mean about your personality. "That's a stupid question...I'm a Leo..." He responded in confusion. "Makes sense.." I mumbled and turned back normally. They all shrugged it off, and we continued to play the game. I grunted a bit and put my head down again, my head resting in my arms.

~'~ Lunch Period ~'~

As the bell rung, the teacher called us up out of our seats onto the line. Garroth and I stood close to each other, we were going to attempt getting two seats next to each other. Ms.W led us out of the class room and pointed us in the direction she wanted us to go. The line leader led the line to the lunch room, as the teacher watched the students as we walked, "Laurence, stand straighter." She demanded. "...I'm not a dog." I said but stood up straighter anyway, she puffed a bit from my response but kept walking keeping an eye on the other kids. Zenix looked at Garroth devilishly and tripped Garroth, the blondie let out a yelp and almost fell, I shifted over to him quickly and caught him before he fell. The whole class looked at us, as Garroth looked up at me, his face a scarlet red. I realized the position we were in and a scarlet red appeared on my face as well.

"Both of you get out of that position! You guys are in school at the moment." The teacher ordered, we both scrambled back into our line spots and Garroth flipped his hoodie on, blond strands of hair poking out of the hood as we continued walking. I then took a deep breath and calmed down, the blush slowly fading from my face. "Your fine..." I murmured to myself and stuffed my hands in my pockets.

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