The Science Project.

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There was a boy, I had to work with for a science project. Usually, I had my bestfriend as my partner for class projects or any class work including working with others. Her name is Veronica, my bestfriend I had known since the second grade! We always do everything together, but now... We are on our own. The only reason is because we entered the seventh grade with the strict teachers. In the other school, believe it or not, the teachers were actually nice and fun. James was the boy I had to work with and he was popular in the school. So, I was the "lucky one" because every girl or should I say mostly every girl is in love with him! He was the boy the girls love because, he was handsome and the "bad boy". To be honest I was the girl who wasn't interested in boys and relationships! I was the girl who liked to make my parents proud. "Briana and James, tomorrow you will start your science project and it is due in two weeks... have a good weekend." the teacher replied telling me who my partner is. James walked towards me and said "Hey my name is James and I look forward to working with you and meeting your parents." "Sure, we will work everything out at my house if you want you can walk home with me?" James nodded his head, we started walking to my house and to be honest it was really awkward and quiet. Once we got to my house I introduced James to my parents, and my dad looked suspiciously at James! However, we got to sort everything out during the weird moments and the stares between my dad and James. After all James and I planned out the science procedure while my mother went to buy the supplies to make our model of the cup pyramid! As soon as my mother got home with the supplies we got to work. "What's a good title for our project" I asked. James answered, "the science project...yeah." I laughed "yeah", he repeated "yeah!" I took a glimpse at him and he took a glimpse at me, he closed his eyes and leaned in with his flirty lips. I felt his lips sink into mine and I pushed him off, "I can't my father will find out, let's just get back on track!" After a while, it was time for James to leave and all I had to say was "Bye James." It was night time and I had to go to sleep, I kissed my parents good night and closed the door. I knew my parents were going to sleep right away so I looked at my phone thinking if I should call James. My decision was made and I called James, after two seconds I hung up the phone and thought he wasnt gonna pick up... "Why would he pick up anyways, I stopped him from our kiss so what makes me feel like calling him" I thought sadly. When I looked at my phone I was getting a call from James the 'bad boy'!! I actually thought I wouldn't last a chance talking to him without it having to do with the project. I slowly picked the phone up and he said...
"Did you just call me?"
"Yes I did... Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure what is it, princess"
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Because I felt like it it didnt mean anything, right??"
"I guess not" I guess love at first sight doesn't exist I thought!
"Hey can I go to your house tomorrow, where I sneak into?"
"Why? So you can use me and act like you want me?"
"I just need a place to crash"
"FINE, sneak in through my window, BYE..."

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