first kiss

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- you guys were chilling at his house
- you guys were in his room sitting on his bed telling jokes
- "Hey y/n you're hot."
- you laughed
- then he just went in and kissed you and then y'all were making out

- you were at the park together like always
- you were sitting in the grass
- you were naming birds you saw
- he was proud because he taught you all the bird names
- he kissed you really quickly
- you pulled him in for more ;)

- he had been planning it tbh
- you were in the quarry like always
- he was standing beside you while you guys were throwing rocks in the creek
- "H- hey uh y/n?"
- you looked at him, "yeah?"
- "c-an I- I ki-kiss y-you?"
- "of course you can."
- he did really passionately
- (consent is sexyyy)

- bro he was scared but he had been thinking about it for a long time
- "y/n I've never kissed anyone."
- "neither have I"
- you guys both just looked at each other
- it happened really quickly because you were both scared

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