The Dance

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1 month has past since the dinner dance and during that time I found out I had also turned into a cat thingy which was a shock, but see I also figured out that no one else could see the cat ears other then my family's which actually for some reason didn't shock them also my ex-best friends knew about them since they hd them as well. Every single say for the past month my ex-best friends and ex-girlfriend still check up on me especially Emily they always come with really worried expressions instead of the mysterious look, asking "let's talk about this we can explain everything, your not safe here anymore" which really confused I'm not anyone special, I'm still a normal person just with cat ears and tail which no one can see. Now a new school year has started again and it has been 4 months since the big incidence, so during that time I just basically sat in front of my laptop of the whole duration except for the times I had to tell my ex-best friend and ex-girlfriend to leave me alone and to never speak to me again. The thing what worried me most about the new school year was the fact that they all would be in all my classes, so they would probably try anything just to talk to me, which I really wanted to avoid but I guesstimate can't be helped. I now decided just to ignore them which was hard since they still tried walking me to school which was really annoying considering I still didn't want to talk to them, so I decided to listen put on my headphones and listen to some awesome music which Courtney picked out for me, so because of that I felt a bit bad but still who keeps a big secret like all of 7 of us had cat ears and tails, except for Dylan who had dog ears and tail.

How to describe school well see I went to a private Christian school called smiley collage because the principle Mr Smiggle always smiled which was really creepy but a nice guy a guess. It was a pretty big school with all of the newest technology in so we had iPad, computer I don't know but it was just awesome including we had a big sports area where me and Steven would play basket ball but I guess that wasn't happening anymore. This year I guess will be one of my hardest years at this school since I will have to find new friends, new sports club which was going to be difficult because I only really had talent for rugby and I sucked really bad at making knew friends on second thought I never even tried to make friends since Steven, Dylan, Sean, Ashlea, Emily, crystal and Courtney were really my only friends for my whole life basically. At recess and lunch I decided to try approach other people who had the same interest in me to see if they would like to be my new best friends but that I had to get through lessons with my ex- friends and girlfriend which was going to be impossible, literally no matter what I ended siting next to them. Now it was recess time or as I was going to call it for the time being friend making time, were I would go around seeing if anybody would let me be their friends which was quite surprised considering how easy it was when it was my first time trying to make friends because I thought people would hate me. The funny thing was I should of mentioned I didn't find a group of friends I only found one friend, who's name was, Sam who also loved playing basketball and rugby which made me very happy because that would mean we will get along very well except for the part where my ex-friends and girlfriend were continuously following me around still.

Since my ex friends and girlfriend wouldn't stop following me around I decided to take some action, which was to bringthe cops into this and I got a restraining order on them which meant they had to go to a different school far far away from me. You would think them being sent away so they couldn't be bothering or stalking as I like to call it would make my life happier, but for some reason it didn't. Now since they were gone I was starting to get bullied, which made me lose Sam the first friend I ever made by myself gone in a flash because he didn't want to get bullied just for being friends with me which made me really upset, so at that moment it made me realise how much I missed Sean, Ashlea, Steven, crystal, Courtney, Dylan and Emily. I now wish I never got the restraining order on them because of what happened to my beloved family.

All my family had gathered at my house, now I know what your thinking my whole family in it one house well to be honest I don't really have a big family which is why I loved seeing them so much. When I arrived home with a big smile on my face forgetting about the bullying it all suddenly changed when, instead of finding my awesome house with all my loving family I just found the biggest pile of ash I have ever seen instead. First seeing a pile of ashes where your family and house were meant to be makes you wonder maybe they went out and then the house burned down or, there was another thing what could of happened someone purposely lit the fire and killed all my family inside but I highly doubted that anyways, when we live in a huge street full of people who would would of seen the fire and then call the fire brigade so that they could be rescued.

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