Friends In Unlikely Places

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Isabella was startled awake by a knock on the door. She rubbed her eyes just as someone was opening a door. It was a girl, probably around her age. She was carrying a pile of clothes in one arm and a big bag in the other. She closed the door before turning to look at her with a radiant smile on her face. "Hello. I'm Taylor. I'll be helping you get a little more comfortable here. Here are some new clothes for you and this bag has all the necessities like soaps, deodorant, and all the other things." She placed the bag down next to the bed Isabella was on. "I tried to get Ash to tell me your name if he knew it, but he wouldn't budge. He said you seemed a little closed off and wanted to make sure you didn't lose trust in him. So, I was just wondering if I could know your name?" She looked at her questioningly.

"Are you one of them too?" Isabella questioned instead of answering. She sat up on the bed.

"I am a werewolf yes. I don't take part in the mating games obviously, because I'm a woman. Besides that I don't really agree with them either. I'm mostly here because my mate helps with them and I try to bring as much comfort as I can to the girls who don't really want to be here." Taylor seemed like a genuine person, but how could she trust someone whose mate helped with this sort of thing? Well, she did sort of trust Ash a bit and he seemed like he was going to be taking part in the mating games. She felt like her head was going to explode with the inner war that she was having with herself.

"So there are girls who actually want to be here?" Isabella couldn't even imagine that, that was even possible. Who would want to be a mate of one of these monsters?

"Oh boy. You don't even know. Most of the girls here actually want to be. They think that it will give them some sort of power or something. Though pretty much any wolf has alot of money, which might be what they are looking for. They've probably also heard the rumors about werewolves being" She paused to look at her for her reaction "Big." She shrugged as Isabella gagged. That's exactly the last thing that she would want to know right now. "So, anyways. I know that you have a hard time trusting people and this will probably be really hard for you, but I need you to trust me just a bit." She held out a bracelet to Isabella.

"What is this?" She asked looking at it skeptically know.

"It's a tracker bracelet. You are going to be wearing it until the run happens, if you make it that far." Taylor was smiling at her encouragingly, but all she felt was her stomach drop. "You expect me to just put on a tracker bracelet so there is absolutely no chance of me getting out of here?" Isabella asked her. 

"Look. I know it's something that you really don't want to do, but in reality it is the best option. If you don't wear it guess what they are going to do? They will keep you locked up in this building until the run. They won't let you go anywhere outside of this building." Taylor seemed like she actually had sympathy for Isabella, but it was just so hard to digest that she was going to be even more a prisoner. Just a prisoner with roaming privileges. Isabella held out her wrist and Taylor smiled at her before reaching out and clicking the bracelet into place and clicking it several more times before she knew it was too small for Isabella to remove.

"How do I know where I can go then? Ash mentioned a treeline" Isabella asked, nervously spinning the bracelet around her wrist.

"Oh it's super easy. There is a tree line around this whole building. As soon as you get to the trees is where the alarm will set off and a whole bunch of werewolves will be on you in about a minute." Taylor's words didn't really make her feel any better with the fact that she was planning to escape.

"Can you tell me a little more about some of the werewolves around here? I've met only a couple so far and they don't make me feel like my future is very promising." Isabella started looking through the clothes that Taylor had brought her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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