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Isabella sat on the empty bed and Ash followed after her. "So do you know anything about the mating games?" Ash asked her.

"Well, I've been alone since I was little, so not really. All I know is that werewolves took over and you capture females to have as mates. Which I would have to assume are basically slaves with little to no rights." She stared at him.

"Well, we have a lot to cover I guess." Ash ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "Okay let me start from the beginning. All werewolves are different. They are like humans in most ways. Each have their own personalities. Not all are bad, but not all are good either. Some just one a mate as a play thing and others are actually looking for someone to love. Since true mates is so rare we had to come up with something else so our people could still find someone for them."

"Wait. What is a true mate?" It sounded like something he just made up on the spot or from some story book.

"It's basically a soul mate. Someone who you instantly have a connection with. Someone who really was made just for you. Werewolves that have a true mate will do practically anything for them. Even if someone does find their true mate during the mating games, they still have to fight for them. Other wise there would be a lot of wolves claiming true mates. Almost always they end up winning anyways, so it doesn't really make a difference if they compete or not." He leaned back across the bed and got comfortable."A wolf becomes faster and stronger than he ever was when " He paused to look at her for a moment before continuing in a barely audible voice "they have sex." He wasn't even looking in her direction anymore.

"So, why is it that you have to kidnap girls instead of just getting to know them?" She was still pissed about being here.

"There are some girls who are excited about the prospect of being a mate to a werewolf, but a lot of others aren't. Our wolves need someone otherwise we could lose ourselves and just be stuck in our wolf form forever. You all are where we find our balance. I know you may not believe me, but it is safer for most of you to have a mate. Most wolves are very traditional in the sense that a mate is to be cherished, but some wolves do not have that mind set. If you have a good mate then you have someone to protect you from others. When we get a mate, whether they are our true mate or not, we will protect them with everything that we have." She felt weird with how comfortable she was around him, with him being a werewolf and everything, but she just couldn't help it. You could just tell that he had a pure heart and that he wouldn't hurt her. Not like the others she met. Or Blake. She still wasn't sure which category to put him in to, but it seemed to lean more towards the negative side of the scales just from the one look he had given her.

"Tomorrow you should be getting all set up. They will give you some clothes, a bed of your own, and a number. I know it sounds horrible, but it's just for the competition purposes and not as a label for you guys. I also know you won't like this part, but they are going to be giving you a tracker bracelet. It's so that you can actually go outside instead of being stuck in this building and they know you won't be able to get too far. It will let you go out pretty far, but when you hit the tree lines is when it will be set off and you'll have loads of wolves on you in a minute or two. It's probably not the best to try and test it out either." He gave her a meaningful look. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to know what happened to the people who disobeyed and tried to go past the tree line anyways. "There is a rule of no having sex with any of the girls or hurting her physically, because if they do then their mate when they receive one has every right to kill that wolf for their transgression.

"The first part of the mating games is to try and have everyone get to know each other. It's basically a giant ball. Everyone dresses to impress and this is where we get an idea of who we kind of want to choose. Obviously you also get the chance of getting to know each other day to day anyways, but who doesn't love to dance?" He was grinning again.

"I don't." She hated to dance. She had never been good at it, but she never really had the time or the urge to dance since she was little anyways.

"Well you are just a party pooper all the way around I see. Not that I really blame you in the least. I'm sure you've probably met some of the worse of our kind already. I mean you did meet Derek and he isn't really a ray of sunshine is he? Well, after the ball we all choose who we want to have as a mate. If a girl has multiple people vying for her then those wolves move to the next round. If the girl only has one guy after her, well they just move straight to the last round. Of course there is always the black sheep that don't get chosen. They get to wait until all is said and done and whoever loses during the competitions can choose one of the girls who weren't chosen. If they are still not chosen then they are free to leave." Isabella's heart soared at the news and it must of showed on her face because he quickly shot down her hope. "Don't even think that way. You are definitely going to get chosen. I'm not trying to be negative, but it would be better to try to get someone else to try and fight for you instead of being left with Derek. Don't you think?" She had to agree with him there, but she still didn't like her options so far.

"The next stage in the process is the ring. The wolves will fight each other until there is only half the amount of wolves left if the female does not want a mate. If the female does want a mate then it is just to the last fighter and they win the girl. There is no killing involved in this part of the competition, but maiming is allowed. So, the last part is the wall. It is your only real hope to your freedom. You get a two hour head start to run or hide and try to make it to the wall. It is a very literal wall. You just have to get there and figure out how to get on the other side before someone catches you and brings you back here. Who ever catches you and brings you back here will then be your mate. This part of the competition is where wolves are allowed to kill. They have to prove that they are worthy of you and can protect you from future danger." Isabella laid back and looked up at the ceiling.

"How many girls have made it over?" She noticed that he wasn't looking her in the eye.

"None." It was like the last nail in the coffin.

"So I'm fucked then? I have no chance really. You all just want us to think that we actually have a chance so we will be the cattle that silently go to the slaughter?" She gripped her hair in her hands as tears started to flood her vision. "You all are sick. Get out!" She yelled at him. He had a look of sympathy on his face and looked like he was about to try and comfort her, but stopped at the look she gave him.

"I understand" He scratched the back of his neck and stood up and walked to the door. "I'll be around if you want to talk more or just need someone. I'm sorry that you're here." He quietly left and she gripped the pillow and shoved it over her face and screamed her sorrow into its fibers. She should have tried harder not to end up here. She had promised her mother that she would never be captured. That she would never be in this situation. She failed. She turned on her side and stared at the wall. As her tears of misery soaked into the fibers she felt herself go slightly numb. She wasn't sure if she was going to be able to get through this. She had to get out of here one way or another.

She knew that Ash was right about one thing though. If she was just chosen by Derek she was going to be in trouble. She knew that he didn't care at all on how she felt. With the looks she had received from him, she was sure that he wouldn't care about violating her either. Plan A was to escape during the ball. She had to try and leave, even with the tracker. She couldn't take the risk of being stuck with him. She'd rather get gunned down trying to run. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was back at home with her mother. The happy thoughts allowing her to drift off to sleep. Giving her hope that when she awoke, it would all be a nightmare and she would be free once again.

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