Chapter 14

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When I wake up next, I'm totally clueless as to where I am. I recognize nothing.

"Wha-? Where am I?" I mumble to myself as I try to sit up.

"Yip, yip, yip", a voice fills the room. I look around and see an orange and white mech. "Don't sit up", he says.

"Um... who are you?" I ask.

Shock filled his face before he answers. "I am Ratchet, a medic. What is your name?" He seemed very uncertain when he asked me that question. I try to think but all I can remember is purple optics.

"I... don't know", I whisper to myself but he heard it, I could tell because he sighs. Then he asks another question.

"What can you remember?"

"Nothing... except... purple optics", I say. Ratchet closes his eyes before groaning.

"It is as I suspected. You have lost your memory", he says. I frown before realization hit me.

"You know who I am then!"

"Indeed. Your name is Blazewing", he says. "Stay here. I need to inform the others."

He leaves and I am left alone to my thoughts. Who could those purple optics belong to...?

*Ratchet's POV*
I walk out of the medbay and find the entire team waiting outside.

"Well? How is she?" Bumblebee asks through a series of beeps, buzzes, and whirls.

"She's fine", I say and look at the ground.

"But...?" Arcee asks.

"She can't remember anything", I say and look back at the team.

"There must be something she can remember", Arcee says, determined to help Blazewing.

"She can remember purple optics. That's it. She doesn't know who they belong to."

"We must inform Megatron", Optimus says.

I nod and we all crowd around the main monitor in the base. I call Megatron and his face appears on the screen, Soundwave in the background.

"How is she?" Megatron demands.

"She woke up a few minutes ago", Optimus says.

"I wish to see her", Megatron says.

"There's only one problem, however..." I mumble.

"And what's that?" Megatron asks as Soundwave freezes up in the background. I took a mental note of that.

"She can't remember anything except for purple optics", I say. That causes Soundwave to freeze up even more. I took another mental note of that.

I hear a squeal come from the medbay and everyone freezes. Running is heard and soon Blazewing appears in front of us.

"Ratchet!" she squeals. "I can remember who the purple optics belong to! I need to see him! I need to see Soundwave!"

Everyone in the room freezes. I blink slowing before glancing at the screen to see Soundwave closer than before. Blaze follows my gaze and sees Soundwave.

"Sound!" she shouts excitedly before sighing. "Sound, it wasn't your fault I lost my memory. I told you to do it."

"How much do you remember now, sweetspark?" An unfamiliar voice fills the room.

"A lot more actually now that I've seen you", she chirps. "All of my memories with you actually.

"Ratchet, I need to see her!" Soundwave shouts at me.

"I'll send coordinates for you to meet at", I grumble sending the coordinates to him and then typing them into the ground bridge. It opened up and Blaze practically flew through. Optimus soon ordered Arcee to follow, which she did.

It was only then that we realized that Soundwave had spoken without using other cybertronians voices...

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