Chapter 11

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I open my optics to see Knockout, who was working on something. Wait... Knockout? How did I get on the Nemesis...? Memories flash through my mind and I try not to cry. Knockout must have felt something through our sibling bond because he turned to me and hugged me. I hugged back before pulling away.

"What happened?" Knockout was curious, I could feel that through the bond, but I also knew he wouldn't push me to tell him. But as it was too difficult for me to speak, I just sent him a data file with certain memories on it. When he saw that, he growled. "Starscream is gonna die when Soun- er, I find him."

I notice his mistake and start to question him about it but was unable because Soundwave walked into the room. Knockout glances at him and sighs before smiling and going back to his work. I notice that I'm still able to see through Soundwave's visor and I smile happily. He smiles back and I start to get up to hug him but was unable to as a certain two minicons tackled me.

"Rumble, Frenzy!" I grin, looking down at them.

"Blaze!!" They were definitely excited to see me. They hug me before stepping away.

I was confused until Soundwave startled me by hugging me. I was startled but still ended up hugging him. It caused a smile to come onto my faceplate. Soon, he releases me and steps away but not before whispering, "Never do that to me again."

I whisper back, "I won't." He smiles at my promise before turning to Knockout.

"Tell her", he said, using voice recordings.

"Tell her what?" Knockout was confused and turned to look at Soundwave.

Soundwave only says, "Family", before leaving with Rumble and Frenzy. Surprisingly though, that one simple word, had caused Knockout to freeze up. He shook his helm, probably to clear it.

"Knockout? What did he mean?" I was sorely confused, but also extremely curious. Knockout sighs before turning to me.

"Optimus is not our Sire... We're not his sparklings", Knockout sighs.

I frown. "Then... who's our Sire?"

"Megatron... We're Megatron's sparklings..."

My mind was spinning. "But... What? What do you mean? What about the prophecy?"

"It's fake. Created by Megatron to protect us from the real prophecy."

"Real prophecy?"

A new voice entered the room. It was Megatron. "Yes. It's been scorched into my brain by years of worrying." He was standing in the doorway but then he entered completely.

"What is it?" I was curious, indefinitely, but also scared to know.

"The Daughter of Megatronus
hidden away to protect her.
 A prophecy created to protect the daughter,
Hiding and running, doesn't know.
The Daughter betrayed by one
Who she thought loved her
Slowly dying
Until she recieves true loves kiss", Megatron says.

"What does it mean?" I ask softly.

"Let's break it down", Knockout says. "The Daughter of Megatronus, hidden away to protect her. She was hidden away on earth and she thought that she was Optimus' sparkling the entire time."

"You did too", I reminded him. Knockout rolls his optics before we continue to break down the propechy. "So next is 'A prophecy created to protect the daughter'. That would be the fake prophecy."

"Running and hiding, doesn't know", Megatron says. "What does that mean?"

"I've been running and hiding my entire life. I didn't know about the real prophecy until now and I didn't know that you were my actual Sire", I answer. They nodded before continuing.

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