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His boundless enthusiasm reminded her of Chanyeol-when her brother was a younger child, brown eyes wide and full of cheer. Joy with the world around him.

She felt a prickling behind her eyes. Blast.

"I'm fine, Jihun." She swallowed hard, feeling a tiny shudder to ripple through her. Her hands and feet suddenly numb. Cold, despite the return of the sun's warmth.

Jihun walked back over to her, shoulders slumping slightly, and taking her hand in his. His gray eyes were almost level with hers. Heart pounding painfully in his chest as he saw the resignation in her unerring gaze. The sadness manifested there. A slight dullness.

I don't understand my brother sometimes…

I know he can be cruel-

But keeping her here against her will-

"Miss Park-I-" Jihun paused as he searched for the right words. Something that wouldn't mark him as naive. Out of touch.


-like Jimin-

"I-I know my big brother might-might seem like a bad person and all, but-but I promise, he's-he's good at heart-it's just that no one really sees it…" He chewed on his lower lip, watching her features carefully-already wondering if he'd spoken out of line. Said too much-

Rosé's features turned masklike as she pressed her lips together. If only Jimin were more like this-considerate. Welcoming. Kind.

"Jihun, he's keeping me as his prisoner. He threatened to harm my family-so forgive me if I don't hold him in such high esteem." She gently unwound her hand from his and clasped them before her. Standing up straight. Regally. As if nothing could touch her.

"Yeah. I know. I'm really sorry, Miss Park-and I wish I could change his mind. But-you've probably figured this out already-but he doesn't change his mind easily…" Jihun's voice cracked. He looked down at his feet, trying to stop his eyes from bubbling over. My brother-


Rosé softened slightly. Lifted her hand to pat him on the head, tilting her head to one side as her fingers caught into a tiny snarl in his dark hair.

She felt almost like a sister again.

"Come, Jihun-let's go back to the kitchen. I'm getting rather hungry…"

Jihun sniffed again, then looked up to meet her gaze, his own eyes startling in their innocence. Their lack of guile.

Slipping his hand into hers, he broke out into a crooked grin. "Okay, Miss Park!"

Rosé allowed herself a small smile. "You can call me 'Rosie', Jihun."


The tumbling of the lock-


Six o'clock already-

Rosé switched off the television and eased herself out of the chair. Her hem was soaked through and stained with grass; as she walked over to the door, her bare feet left faint traces of green on the white carpet.

She pulled the door open; she was greeted by the big bambi eyes and brown hair of Jungkook, with another garment bag in tow, a pair of shiny black pumps hanging from his fingers.

The man's eyes shone warmly at her; he bowed his head in greeting. "Good evening, Miss Park-it's time for you to get ready."

Rosé stepped aside to let him pass. "And Yuqi and Jisoo?"

Jungkook walked over to the bed and carefully laid out the garment bag, then placed the shoes on the carpet. "I gave them the day off-Mr. Park had us working all night to make this dress…" Voice chipper as ever.

Ah-yes. I forgot-Jimin making them slave away-for a damned dress-

She closed the door and chewed on the inside of her cheek, her stomach twisting tightly as she turned to face Jungkook, heart feeling sluggishly thick in his chest. "Ah-I'm so sorry about that-"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "I really didn't mind, Miss Park-after all, I don't get many opportunities to make such lovely clothing-and Mr. Park really stressed the importance of tonight's event, so I was glad to be able to do it-and so quickly, too-"

He unzipped the garment bag and almost tenderly lifted the black lace concoction into his arms before handing it to Rosé, who accepted it like she would accept a small child being placed into her arms-nervously. Gingerly. Anxiously.

"If you'll go into the bathroom and change, Miss Park, then I can help you with your hair and makeup…"

Rosé nodded and padded over to the bathroom. As she began to change, she heard Jungkook's voice calling out:

"Again, Miss Park-if I'd had more time, I would have made you a masterpiece…"

Rosé smiled wryly as she stepped into the dress, pulling the skirt over her legs and lifting up the bodice to cover her breasts. "You and your disclaimers, Jungkook…"

Jungkook tapped her on the nose with the soft brush playfully, then slid it alongside the other brushes in his makeup kit and fastened the velcro strap, holding them in place. "You're done, Miss Park-and might I say, you look ravishing. Stunning. You'll have the eye of every man on you tonight-"

He stopped, paled slightly. Realized the strange gravity of his own words.

After all, Miss Rosé is not here of her own volition- to imply that she would want the attentions of Mr. Park-

Rosé lowered her eyes and gritted her teeth, keeping her breath even. Calm. Unflappable. Unruffled. Pretend he didn't say that-

"While your behavior was merely a surprise and an annoyance to me, it was quite inappropriate…"

-why am I thinking of him-?

She shook her head as if to rid her mind of him, then lifted her eyes to her reflection.

Sucked in a sharp, cool breath at the vision before her.

A beautiful bird in a gilded cage-

The dress, made of black lace so fine that it appeared to be pure smoke, cut across her collarbone in a straight line, leaving her arms exposed, then flowed down to the floor, the waist cinched in by a shiny black ribbon, the skirt gliding over her form gently but not too tightly. The front and back of the dress was beaded-exquisitely so-in small clusters of glittering black.

Jungkook had straightened her hair, run his fingers through it with styling gel, giving it a natural looking but perfectly managed wave, then let it loose about her shoulders. The same black eyeliner applied to her eyes. Lipstick of the same deep red as the previous night.

-still a cage-

Hi everyone ! Im so sorry for the lack of the updates . I hope you like this. It usually takes time to think about scenarios, i do take help from the original au such as using the same methods of writing. Ty for reading love yall !

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