Boop. Its hard making titles

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I stare at a piece of paper. Marshall comes in. " I bought the huge chalkboard you asked for." He pulls it in. "OMG Marsh thank you so much." I say. I pull out a box of chalk and start writing.'You are much powerful = ?'  I write down many things. Then it came to me. I need a mentor. I know a trick from meditation. I sit on the bed and close my eyes. I see a glow. A golden glow. A voice. "Something needs to change. To something special of yours."

I open my eyes and run out the door opening my umbrella. I hear Marshall following me. I start to fly. I land on the top of one of the roofs of the Candy Palace. I see everyone looking at me. I take off my hat. I look at it. I lift it to the sky. And let go. My white bunny hat goes to the unknown as my hair flows in the wind. I reach into my backpack and grab it . Marshall Lee's first present to me. A black bunny hat (YUS I REMEMBERED IT). I put it on.It's warm.

I really want to make a q & a chapter so If you are reading this please message a question about anything like soul eater or the books and I will put it in the Q & A chapter cause I really want a Q & A chapter

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