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After I dropped Kaiya off at school, I had no idea what to do. I hated that she had to go to school everyday of the week. I wanted more time with her. All of the sudden I had an idea. I picked up my phone and dialled the schools number.

"Hello, may I help you?" I cleared my voice and decided to play the role of her uncle.

"Uh, hi this is Kaiya Burton's uncle calling. I'd like to excuse her from school early as she has a doctors appointment."

"I'm sorry sir we can't let her leave with anyone but her parents." shit. What am I going to do now.

"I'm on her emergency contact list. Her parents couldn't get the day off so they asked me to take her." I held my breath and crossed my fingers hoping her uncle was on the emergency contact list.

"Uncle tommy.. Uh... Pardon me if I mispronounce this. ya-col-out?" whew. She does have an uncle. "Yes this is tommy." "oh alright great she will be out in a few minutes"

it worked. did I actually just take her out of school.

A few minutes later a confused looking kaiya walked out the front doors of her school. When she saw my car her face immediately lit up.

"Common hurry kaiya, gotta get to your appointment quick or else your uncle tommy aka me will get yelled at by your mother!" I said with a great amount of sarcasm.

" I love you so much, why haven't you thought of this earlier?" kaiya said while laughing.

"Get in the car we have the whole day just to us, what do u wanna do?" "get food and watch horror movies all day" kaiya says with a smirk on her face.

She gets scared by the littlest things. Horror movies practically kill her. The good side to them is that she cuddles up me to when she's scared. So I decide to go for it. "alright Chinese and horror films it is."

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH" Kaiya screams while burying her face in my sweater. She peeks up with one eye just before screaming again. I decide to put an arm around her to comfort her. "OKAY, OKAY, TURN IT OFF!!!!" she screams with her eyes closed. I reach over and grab the converter to turn it off just as kaiya let's out a yawn. "Are you tired?" I asked. "Just a bit I guess." "Alright well close your eyes and sleep. ill wake you up around 2:15 so you can return home safely from 'school'." She lies down with her head on my thigh and legs at the end of my couch. I can feel her heartbeat slowing down and her breaths becoming slow and even.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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