Broken Wings

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Hawke POV:

I don't know what I expected. The abuse has gone on now for six years. That's right I'm officially eleven! My parents don't care, but my sisters still managed to sneak a cookie to me. I know that they don't want to hurt me and that our parents are forcing them to beat me that's why I don't fight back. I love my sisters more than life itself and they are really the only thing that keeps me going. With the abuse they also don't let me go to school but luckily Yang and Ruby "force" me to help them do their homework. It's the reason that I'm as smart as I am. But not only do they "make" me do their homework but they also train with their weapons. Yang got these cool gauntlets that I modified to shoot rocks and hopefully one day bullets, but Ruby got a badass scythe that has a .22 rifle in it currently! But me on the other hand, well I have a baseball bat. The same baseball bat that was used to beat me on my fifth birthday. But it has some fun modifications. Such as it can turn into a pump-action shotgun! My sisters helped me get the parts to build the shotgun and right now we're training with Ruby's semblance justy me and Ruby!

Ruby: Hey big bro, why don't you have a semblance?

Shit. I can't tell her that I actually have one because she'll tell her mom and she'll tell Tai and Raven. That's right I disowned my parents!

Me: Uh I just haven't unlocked it yet!

Ruby: Well at least you have your Aura!

That's right because of the constant beatings I unlocked my Aura on my own. While Ruby has a red Aura and Yangs is yellow mine is orange! (If you don't like orange just replace it with your favourite colour!)

Me: Yeah thank Oum for that or I'd probably be dead right now...

I look over at Ruby and see that she froze and begins shaking.

Me: RUBY! Ruby what's wron-


Suddenly I'm on the ground and I feel a burning sensation in my left leg

Summer: Damn I missed! Oh well at least I hit him!


Summer: Don't you dare raise you voice at me Ruby Rose!

At the sound of shouting Yang walks outside

Yang: What's going on out-

Ruby: Mom shot Hawke!

Yang looks over to see me on the ground cupping my leg and then she looks over to see Summer with a look of satisfaction

Yang: What the hell!?

Summer: Yang Xio Long don't make me call your parents to tell them that you are swearing!

Oh that's right Tai and Raven are at marriage counseling, apparently Tai has been sleeping around with other women and so Raven and him are going today and Summer goes tomorrow

Yang: S-sorry ma'am!

Summer: That's right, now help that sorry excuse up to my bedroom and I'll fix his leg~

What was that about her bedroom?


Yang carried me to Summers room and set me on the bed, being careful not to hurt me or get blood all over the place.

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