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( kanna's POV)
I was hugging my mom and uncle shiro then the small one said who are you and I said I'm kanna Korgan but um who are you three? Then lance said I'm lance and that is pidge and hunk allura coran shiro and mullet head. And I looked at mom and said mom who's mullet head? Then mom yelled lance why are you still calling me that and- before mom could finish she fantied and I caught her and said mom mom! Then uncle shiro said it's ok Keith wake up and after he came too mom said ok now answer my question how did you get into space?!

 And I looked at mom and said mom who's mullet head? Then mom yelled lance why are you still calling me that and- before mom could finish she fantied and I caught her and said mom mom! Then uncle shiro said it's ok Keith wake up and after he came ...

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