something called fate: chapter ten

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After we walked back into the city, Harry told me he had a place to take me, so I took his word for it as we made our way. The sun was just beginning to set, and the air was getting cold. We continue to walk for what felt like only seconds. Time passes far too fast with his hand in mine.

After hundreds of brick buildings and "Welcome!" mats, we found ourselves standing in front of a small brick home. The reddish paint reminded me of those places you would see in the movies. One of those places I never got to have.

"Welcome to my home." Harry whispers in my ear as we reach the front door. I marvel at the brick as he unlocks the door and takes one step in. "Come on in."

As we step in, I see the blank walls and the empty rooms. On one side, I see a couch and a rug, with a small kitchen in front. On the other side, I see nothing but a bed and a small pile of clothes.

"This is where you.... live?" I ask, shock clearly in my voice.

"Don't sound so surprised, Chloe."

I giggle and pull his arms around me. I smell his sweet scent, so loving. So comforting. I feel right at home in his arms.

He lets go of me and whispers in my ear. "I know this place isn't much, but it's kind of the only thing on this planet that's really mine, you know?" I smile and nod as he pulls my hand towards that little couch of his.

I see some lights falling off a cabinet in the corner of the room, one of the few things in this small home. "Harry, are those Christmas lights?" I giggle softly as he turns his head back, and then towards me again.

"Yeah." He let out a small chuckle as he blushes and looks down at his lap. "Every Christmas, I put those lights up. Even ever since I've moved here, with no family or friends or anything. They kind of just... make me smile. I can't describe it. But every year, for that one day in December, I always just felt so happy. I never want to let that go."

I grab his hand and smile. "Is that so?" He nods his head and his dimples shine through those rosy cheeks.

"It's funny, because I always thought I was the only one to love Christmas in the way I did. All the people I knew loved Christmas because of the presents or because of the candy at the top of their stocking. I always just looked forward to it because I could always trust that for that one day of the year Daddy wouldn't hit me, or say anything bad. Mommy would love me, and hold me in her arms. They'd sing me to sleep, and I would always feel like I really had a family. They really loved me. Sure, it may have only been twenty four hours, but those twenty four hours were the little bit of hope I held on to." I say, with a smile on my face.

"The mistletoe. That was the highlight. Those girls would be lucky to be standing next to me. Trust me, I was the one all the girls were chasing after." My eyebrows raise as these words come out of his mouth.

"Really, Harry? Because last time I checked, you didn't even know how to talk to a girl, without her chasing you for miles down the road." He giggles and tackles me to the ground. He tickles my stomach and I feel his eyelashes flutter on my face. "Butterfly kisses?"

"Butterfly kisses?"

As he flutters his eyelashes on my skin again, he whispers in my ear. "Just like this." I giggle, as it tickles my skin.

I smile, and in that moment, I can't believe what I've got. I never thought that through all this darkness, my shining star would be this boy.

"Wait right here, Chloe. I wanna show you something"

He stands from the ground and I prop myself up so I'm sitting on my knees on his wood floors. My cozy woolen sweatshirt warms me up, and my black leggings now show through just a bit. Harry walks back with a guitar in his hand, and a smile so big on his face I couldn't believe it.

"This song was the first song I ever learned on guitar. It was always my favorite. I remember learning it the moment I got my very first guitar all those Christmases ago. Eleven years ago. I was nine years old, and that was the only thing on my Christmas list. And the only thing I got. I could play this song until my fingers bled." As he stops talking, and begins to strum the perfectly imperfect tuned strings, I immediately recognize the tune. He begins to sing, and I immediately realize how talented this boy truly is.

"Baby, it's cold outside." The deep, raspiness in his voice sends shivers down my spine and a smile creeps up on me.

I open my mouth and begin to sing along, the song a perfect duet for the two of us. "I really can't stay."

After minutes of our voices colliding to create something so incredibly magical, we sets the guitar down, and stares straight into my eyes. His eyes are something I cannot explain. They're like the stars. Or the sun. They can brighten up your day. They have so much hope and love inside of them. I cannot let go of how much beauty that boy possesses.

"Chloe, you're amazing. How come you never told me you could sing?"

"Well Harry, how come you never told me you could sing?"

He giggles and replies with tease in his voice. "I guess it never came up."

I hold him tight in my arms. I feel his spine in my grip and his chin on the top of my head. I feel his skeleton underneath it all, but his skin so delicately placed among his beautiful body.

"I suppose it really feels just like Christmas?" I ask as he quietly picks up the instrument and begins to play another song for me.

"I suppose so."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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