Chapter 4

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Everyone turned and saw a man in a black suit, wild black hair and glowing red eyes with white steam coming out of the sides sitting on the globe. He smiled and everyone, but Manny and Pitch shivered. The man stood on the globe.

"Hello everyone, I am Reaper, Grim Reaper." He said and bowed. Pitch let out a growl. Reaper smiled at Pitch as he straightened himself.

"It's been to long Pitch, over 500 years since you, Manny, Santa, Tooth, Sandman, and Fluffy locked me away in the god forsaken tomb!" Reaper yelled and jumped down landing softly in front of everyone.

"And I plan to get back at each and every one of you." He said and walked up to Manny.

"My dear, dear little brother. My, you haven't changed at all." Reaper said walking around him like a predator.

"And nether have you Reaper." Manny said. Reaper smiled and then looked over at Jack.

"And who's this?" Reaper said and disappeared and reappeared behind Jack, wrapping his arms around his neck holding him. Jack froze as Reapers black goop wrapped around his arms, so he couldn't move.

"Let me go!" Jack yelled and struggled. Pitch ran at them, but the goop tightened, and Jack let out a soft scream in pain. Pitch stopped immediately.

"Let him go now Reaper!" Pitch yelled his sand coming up like a wave ready to crash. Almost everyone gasped at that and Reaper smiled laying his head on Jacks, holding him closer.

"Don't tell me this is your new toy Pitchy. All though I will say..." Reaper started but moved and grabbed Jacks chin to hold him still, licking his cheek. Jack closed his eyes and tried to struggle away. Pitch growled as Reaper looked straight at him.

"He is very delicious." Reaper said and laughed again moving back to how he was with his head resting on Jacks.

"It's not like that!" Pitch yelled and shot at Reaper, but he disappeared along with the black goop holding Jack. Pitch stopped in front of Jack and was looking him over.

"Jack, are you OK?" Pitch asked. Jack nodded rubbing the side of his arms. They then heard his laughing.

"My revenge has started but I won't stop until I have destroyed you all!" Reapers voice rang in the room before disappearing. Everyone looked at Pitch and Jack to see Pitch rubbing Jacks head. Pitch was smiling down at Jack as he smiled up at Pitch.

"I'm glad you're OK." Pitch asked. Jack looked down his smile fading.

"Why couldn't I freeze him? I tried but it was like I had no power." Jack said. Pitch sighed and held Jack, who blushed and hugged him back.

"Get away from him!" Bunny yelled running over, grabbing Pitch's cloak and throw him away from Jack. Pitch landed on his feet and looked pissed.

"I don't care if Manny picked you, you will never be a guardian!" Bunny yelled. Pitch didn't move but he continued to glare at Bunny.

"Fine. Be that way." Pitch said and disappeared. Bunny turned to look at Jack.

"Jack you o..." Bunny started but Jack pointed his staff at him and Bunny was covered in a thin layer of ice. Jack walked past Manny, but he put his hand on Jacks shoulder.

"He just went outside, he wouldn't leave you." Manny whispered. Jack nodded and walked out of the room. Bunny broke the ice and turned to run after him.

"Bunny, please stay. I wish to talk to you." Manny said. Bunny stopped, his ears falling against his head.


Jack walked outside. It was windy but hadn't started to snow yet. He looked up and saw Pitch sitting on one of the outside windows. Jack called the wind and flew up landing by him his hand on the window sill to steady himself. Jack didn't say anything and there was a comforting silence. Pitch turned and looked at him.

"I'm sorry for Bunny." Jack said not looking at him. Pitch sighed and moved his hand from his lap and placed it on Jacks squeezing lightly.

"I could care less about him...its Reaper I'm worried about. I'm...I'm scared he will take you from me." Pitch said not looking at Jack as a blush of embarrassment appeared on his face. Jack moved a bit closer to him and smiled, leaning his head on Pitch's shoulder.

"Pitch...I don't want them to know about us. I mean I do but if they don't want you as a guardian then think of what they might do if they find out I'm your..." Jack said before he realized he never said it out loud before. Pitch smiled and put his hand under Jacks chin turning his head and kissed Jack.

"My boyfriend and OK we won't tell them." Pitch said and whispered something in his ear. Jacks face went from snow white to beet red in five seconds.

"OK. I will be there." Jack said and jumped down, walking in when he landed. Pitch smiled and disappeared as his sand swallowed him up.


"Good question Tooth, how did Pitch get his power back?" Bunny asked.

"He got it three weeks ago Bunny." Jack said coming into the room. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Where's Pitch?" North asked.

"In one of the spare rooms you have. I too am tired." Jack said and turned.

"Wait, Jack! How did he get them back and how do you know?" Tooth asked. Jack smiled.

"He just got them back one day. He doesn't know why and it's because we are friends now." Jack said.

"Well if that's true then tell us what happened!" Bunny said. Jack sighed and nodded.


Three weeks ago

Jack snuck up quietly on Pitch, hoping to scare him.

"Nice try Jack." Pitch said as Jack was just about to touch him. Jack pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.

"How did you know I was here?" Jack asked. Pitch smiled and turned. He held his hand up and black sand came up. Jacks eyes widen as he watched the sand dance around Pitch's hand.

"How did you get your power back?" Jack asked. Pitch shrugged.

"I don't know. I just felt power and fear and I had control over it again." Pitch said as he put his hand down the sand disappearing. Jack nodded and took a few steps back looking away sadly. Pitch looked hurt.

"What's wrong Jack?" Pitch asked concern in his voice. Jack looked up at Pitch.

"Now that you have your power back you will want revenge...right?" Jack said. Pitch smiled and laughed a bit. He walked up and ruffled Jack's hair. Jack shuffled his hand away and laughed.

"No Jack. I don't plan to hurt my friend." Pitch said. Jack smiled.

"Besides me being with you will piss off the guardians to no end." Pitch said. Jack glared and pushed him away.

"Very funny Pitch!" Jack yelled. Pitch laughed and sat at the table.


Everyone nodded as Jack finished. Jack then left the room before they could ask him anything else. He did have a date with Pitch.

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