Adventure Bay

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We got in my car and we were on our way towards Gold Coast to meet up with Ryder and the rest of the gang. We have to make it up there before tonight and from Newcastle, it was eight hours to get to Gold Coast. I drove all the way up to Gold Coast and by that time it was nearly 9:00pm. That's where we found a pet friendly hotel and we are trying to contact Ryder.

Chase: So, where exactly are you from

Andrew: Do you where the United States is right

Chase: Yeah and I know all of the states too

Andrew: I'm from Wisconsin....we should get some sleep and meet Ryder tomorrow morning.

Chase: Yep, goodnight

Andrew: Goodnight

Chase lay on top of me as I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning getting dressed. I left Chase asleep as I went in to take a shower. I got dressed and I heard a knock on the door.

Andrew: Who is it

Lady: Your time is up, please exit the hotel as fast as possible.

Andrew: We are almost ready, give us five minutes

Lady: Alright

I packed my stuff and brung Chase to the car with me. I started driving and Chase woke up all of a sudden.

Chase: Huh, where are we

Andrew: We are about 30 minutes outside Chase

Chase: Oh

I got off the interstate and turned on highway 173 to take to Adventure Bay. I drove for a good 20 minutes and all of a sudden, we arrived at Adventure Bay. I turned left and the lookout was a mile in front of us. I drove across a bridge and halted to a stop sign. I drove up the driveway and to the lookout. I stopped just before the lookout, where the entrance is and went in because the doors were automatic sliding doors.

Chase: Come on, Andrew let's go meet the others

I followed Chase outside and all of a sudden, the other five puppies went wild. They were so happy to see Chase again. They started playing and all of a sudden, the pups came toward me.

?: Hello, Andrew thanks for bringing Chase back

Andrew: Your welcome, it's the best I could do for you, thanks for letting me come, Ryder

Ryder: No problem, where did you find Chase

Andrew: I was coming up through Newcastle, around a nine hour drive from here. I started driving from my hotel and I was on the interstate and I saw Chase, unconscious in the back of a car and I followed them to a warehouse

Ryder: Hmm, unusual indeed, well this is Skye, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Rubble

Andrew: Hey Guys, I already asked Ryder if I could do a video with you guys, a dare made one of my fans. I am The Golden Bear, but you can call me Andrew. I might stay a little longer but I have no idea for plans

Zuma: I think it's cool that you are here

Andrew: Thank you, Zuma no one has ever said that before

Let the amazing ness begin

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