SpookJin's Spectacular

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Yoongi didn't like going out most of the time.

His university schedule was absolutely grueling. Waking up at six in the morning and skipping breakfast in order to make it on time to his first class that lasts almost three whole hours. Immediately after, he would go to his next couple class, forgetting to eat until he got home though it would be a short meal because he had to get to work.

His work schedule was even worse, five straight hours of cleaning dirty hotels rooms, five days a week. Some of the stains he had to scrub out of the blankets and carpets were questionable to say the least. The 'No Smoking' signs hung on each room door seemed to be a joke to a lot of the clientele because Yoongi always found himself spraying most of the contents of an air freshener can on every surface he can find so the pungent smell of stale nicotine would be masked by artificial citrus.

Most days he felt lucky to find the time to do his homework before immediately passing out once he arrived home half past midnight, the cycle of his daily life starting over until the blissful weekend.

It was difficult creating long lasting bonds with people in the short amounts of time he actually had but it was okay, he was okay with his small world of people. His social circle consisted of his childhood friend, Hoseok, and co-worker, Namjoon, along with people here and there- though they seemed more like acquaintances than anything. The trio stayed in whenever they wanted to have a 'boys night', as Hoseok's older sister once put it, because of the simplicity of it- no need to get ready, no spending excess money on alcohol, and no strangers being invited into his apartment for a quick hookup.

So Yoongi really didn't know why he agreed to go to a Halloween party that this kid, Jungkook?, from his literature class invited him to while they were supposed to be doing peer reviews of their most recent essays.

"You know Jin right?" Jungkook's voice startled Yoongi, breaking his concentration from the paper in his hands.

He stared for a couple of seconds while his brain attempted to place a face to the name. Handsome, a little arrogant, tall- damn him- and very popular. "Yeah I know him."

Jungkook took out his phone, tapped on the screen for a couple seconds before facing it towards Yoongi, who leaned back due to how close it was to him. The screen had an image of a flyer that read:

SpookJin's Spectacular
Two-Part Ghoul Gathering
October 31st
Part One starts @ 12:30 A.M.
Part Two starts @ sundown
Location: North West Dorm Hall
Best dressed gets to DJ the rest of the night!

The rest stated that there would be free food and alcohol along with a notice that the winner would be announced at the end of part one. The background contained one too many pumpkins scattered around a dark purple graveyard and silhouettes of skeletons made the whole thing even more tacky. He hated it- but knowing he could get a chance of working a real- more real than his sound system at home with only Namjoon, Hoseok, and occasionally Hoseok's sister cheering him on- DJ booth made the words "text me the pic" come out of his mouth faster than his brain processed.

"You're going?" It looked like Jungkook's already big eyes were about to pop out of their sockets at any point. It was an over dramatic reaction in Yoongi's opinion.

A small hum escaped him as he typed a message to Hoseok and Namjoon telling them to meet at his place after class. He ignored his friends assault of questions and assumptions in favor of turning back to Jungkook when he asked, "You're actually going to a party? Last minute?"

Yoongi chuckled, shoulders rising and falling at the action. "Yes, I'm going. I don't stay home twenty-four seven. Don't act so surprised."

The pair sat in silence for the duration of class, finishing their peer reviews in order to be able to leave. Jungkook usually followed Yoongi after class since he lived in the dorms near Yoongi's apartment. On the way he asked a couple of questions about what Yoongi was going to dress up as.

"I don't know right now. I want to win that 'best dressed' competition though." Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck before letting his hand fall back to his side.

Jungkook tilted his head in confusion. "I didn't peg you for someone to enter a competition of looks."

Yoongi wasn't someone to do that. He didn't view himself as ugly but he wouldn't say his appearance was worthy of winning any contests either. Honestly Yoongi hoped a good amount of makeup would be enough to win.

"Me too. What do you think I should be?" He watched as Jungkook's eyes scanned almost every inch of his face then racked down his body before refocusing on his face.

"A vampire."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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