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[Bakugo's p.o.v.]

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I set an explosion to the thing that is creating such an annoying sound this early in the morning. Once I open my eyes, I see it was my alarm clock. "God damn it" I mumble to myself as I get up out of my bed.

I walk into my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. I turn the shower on, the heat from the water filling the room with steam in an instant. As the hot water hit me, I arch my back slightly and hiss in agony. Even through the pain of the water running down my skin, it felt damn good.

I quickly finished what I was doing and got out. Using a white fluffy towel, I dry each and every inch of my body just to make sure my clothes didn't get wet when I put them on.

Once I finished, I wrapped the towel around my waist to cover myself. Didn't want the old hag to walk in on me naked......... again. I rummage through my closet to find my uniform. After I found it, I threw it on, not even thinking about wearing a tie. I never do so what's the point in starting now?

[Time Skip: At School]

Stomping into the school, I arrived at the classroom at bit early, as per usual. But when I walked in I noticed something. Icyhot was sitting at his desk, scrolling through his phone. I growl audibly and yell, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SO EARLY YOU HALF N' HALF BASTARD?!"

He glanced up at me then returned his gaze to his phone, simply responding, "Jeez Bakugo calm your tits. I just arrived earlier today then usual." That little bitch.

It took all my willpower not to blow his ass up for that comment. "The hell you talking about?! I don't tits! And I sure the hell won't calm down now!" I smack him on the back of his head. He leans forward as my hand collides with his skull.He gently rubs the back of his head and looks and me with one eye closed. To be honest, he didn't look half bad like that. Wait- What the hell am I saying? I must be tired or sumn.

"Your cup size says differently..." he says with a hint of flirt in his voice. I swear to god I'm hallucinating or some shit because this man just sounded like he was flirting with me. I'm crazy.

He continues to rub his head, as he now has his right hand up to cool the stinging down, "Tch, whatever.." I complain as I walk away from peppermint bitch. I'm so gonna kill him later.. I drift of the my own world as more people start coming in.

[Another Time Skip: Training with All Might]

The time came around for some her training and for our assignment we had the get partners. "Alright," All Might announced, "Here are your teams;
Izuku & Ochaco
Kaminari & Kirishima
Jiro & Yoayorozu
Hagakure & Ojiro
Sero & Ashido
Sota & Koda
Ida & Shoji
Tsuyu & Mineta *everyone cringes*
Tokoyami & Aoyama
And finally Todoroki & Bakugo."

"WHATTTTT?!!!!" I scream when I hear that I was paired up with that bastard. This was NOT ok!

"Young Bakugo! Calm down this instant. I'm not changing my mind about this either so you'll have to deal with it!" All Might states with confidence raging in his voice. This day could NOT get worse. At least, that's what I thought.

Once All Might and I stopped bickering, he explained that we would be fighting each in 1 vs. 1 battles (hence why there are teams). Deku and Floaty Bitch went first. The fights continued in the same order All Might had said them in. (When author~sama is too lazy to write out all the fights >-<)

After the emo bird and razzle dazzle (voltron reference anyone?) finished, it was only me and Icyhot left. This should be fun..

[3rd Person]

All Might had instructed the boys to the center of the battle field, which was half destroyed due to the others fights. All Might explained the rules. No killing, if your opponent faints, stop fighting, try not to blow up the arena and spectators, and most importantly, have fun. Simple enough and fairly easy to follow. The boys agreed to the terms and got into fighting positions.

Todoroki's left side ignites with fire and his right arm forms chunks of ice; preparing them to use for a long time. On the other side, Bakugo's hands make tiny fire crackles, getting louder and louder every second. All Might's voice can be heard from the speakers and he says, "You may start on three! 1... 2.... 3....! Go!!"

As soon as they heard those words, the boys lunged at each other, getting ready to using a right handed attack. Katsuki threw his famous right hook as Todoroki blocked it with a trail of ice; then switching to the back of the smaller boy to freeze him to the ground.

Todoroki wasn't as fast as he had liked to be so Bakugo broke out the ice in time to turn around and hit Todoroki in the stomach with a blast. The explosion caused a thicc (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) smoke to surround them. The smoke made it so you could just barely see through it on the inside but on the outside you couldn't see what was happening.

Todoroki noticed this and took his chance to pin Bakugo to the ground. This task was fairly simple seeing as though Bakugo had also stumbled from his explosion. Once the taller boy had the shorter one pinned down, he swooped down and kissed Bakugo's neck lightly, causing the ash blonde to jerk a little bit. In reality, Todoroki has always liked Bakugo romantically but didn't have the guts to say it. The shorter boy was always loud and obnoxious where as bicoloured boy was calm and kept to himself. They seemed like polar opposites but that didn't matter to him. Shoto loved Katsuki because of his behavior; how he was rough and didn't care about the rules,(well kind) how he asserted his dominance with his outlandish actions and profanities, how he wanted to prove himself worthy and stronger than everyone else. That is what Todoroki loved about him.

Todoroki breathed right next the Bakugo's ear, sending shivers down the smaller boy's spine. "I-Icyhot.... what are you doing.....?~" Katsuki managed out lightly. He was enjoying this but confused nonetheless.

"You~" Todoroki responded, feeling satisfied as he heard the ash blonde boy gasp. To his disappointment though, the smoke had started to fade. Quickly he turned Bakugo on to his stomach and sat on his back, declaring victory for himself.

"Congrats, Young Todoroki. You defeated the very prideful Young Bakugo." All Might said through the speaker. "You may now exit the arena and meet the class in your homeroom so we can discuss your final grades." Once he finished speaking, the boys got up and walked to the changing room to get their original school uniforms back on.

As they were walking back, Bakugo whisper-shouted, "What the hell was that, Icyhot?!" To be quite frank, the explosion boy was still incredibly shook up from the experience. "Why did you-...... do.. THAT?" The boy complained a bit louder.

The boy next to him chuckled a bit. "What?~ You were to cute to resist. And besides, you obviously liked it by the fact that you were practically moaning under me." Todoroki smiled as Bakugo blushing profusely. 'This is fun.... teasing Bakugo like this' Todoroki thought to himself.

Bakugo started to stutter, "Icyhot..... you're so stupid.." He blushed more as he moved closer to his now crush. Their hands brushed together lightly from time to time, making each other blush for a few seconds. This was fun.

[Hello readers! I hope you like this first part of my story. This will probably be a 3-5 part story. In the next part I will put in what happens in the locker room. But for now, enjoy this]

{Word Count: 1352}

Kiss me, Icyhot...- {Todobaku Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now