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"And how exactly am I going to suffer?" I ask while pushing him off me.

"You'll find out soon enough after all I can tell you hate teachers pets. You'll be having to deal with one for the rest of your life" Taehyung says as he runs his finger down my face.

Geez those words kept playing through my mind all day, and sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't concentrate at all and for once I was dozing off, before I knew it Yoongi was kicking my table.

"What the hell Yoongi??" I say annoyed
"What? Did you want to stay at school overtime?" He states

"" I muttered

"Thought so" he said smirking

"Tsk whatever" I say and grab my bag

"So are you busy after school?" Yoongi asks

"No, why?" I ask

"Then meet me at this address at 8:30pm" Yoongi says as he slips a piece of paper in my bag, he walks out of the classroom leaving me dumbfounded. I shake the thought of what just happened and leave the classroom, with my earphones in my ears playing music I make my way "home". I never thought of my house as my home, because home is where people love and appreciate you. And that is certainly not the case for me, being abused by my mum is not really something I call being shown love. As I swing the door open I notice no one in the house and let out a sigh, I am finally alone although this isn't the nicest house it still keeps me sheltered. It was now 5 o'clock so I didn't really know what to do with my life until 8:30, then a notification popped up on my phone.

1 unread message from: The Devil(mum)
Won't be home till next Wednesday, wouldn't mind if you got out my life for good.

Now I was really aggravated with her who does she think she is? Hitler? She can't just get rid of who she wants to make her life seem better. I was about to throw my phone outside when I received a call from my auntie,

Hi Lisa! How are you sweetie

I'm ............just fine auntie what about you?

What was with that pause is everything okay do you need more money, is it the school or my sister?

Huh well it's a bit of all of the above I guess.

Aww honey I wish I could come to visit you but I'm in Hong Kong right now, I'll make sure to send you twice as much money as usual.

Thanks auntie I can always count on you to be the mother in my life

Ah just remember I love you

Same here bye


~call ended

Wow that was great at least I'll have more money to buy myself and apartment or at least some new clothes. I don't remember the last time I received a present or even bought myself one, maybe even before dad left? I know it's early but I decided to get dressed. I was looking through my tiny closet and found my favourite black jeans with rhinestone on the pockets and also my leather converse. Those were a must I also found this black crop top with slits in the back and then grabbed my bomber jacket and my cap with rings attached to the front. Eh I think this should look pretty intimidating to Yoongi, gives off badass vibes to me. One thing I actually forgot to do was to check the address of where I'm meeting Yoongi that might be helpful. I empty my whole school bag to find a piece of paper with pretty bad handwriting saying,

Be here: The abandoned theme park( the one that closed down in 1980)
Address-  650 gredwarll grove
Remember 8:30

Abandoned theme park? Was there even such a thing? I write in the address into google maps and nothing, ABSOLUTLEY nothing came up. It's as if it didn't exist, and I had no idea how I was to get there. This will be quite an interesting trip to get there, I grab my bus card + bag and leave the house. I am currently at the bus station waiting for the 723 to come, it's the only bus to drive up till strathmortan avenue which was apparently a street away from the abandoned theme park. The bus finally came after an hour or so of waiting and as I was in my seat I kept thinking about Taehyung, how could someone be nice in one situation and rude and cocky in the next?was there more to him then what everyone saw? My thoughts were interrupted when the bus came to a stop. I grabbed my bag exited the bus the area I was standing in seemed somewhat disturbing, The streets were dead quiet and I could only hear creaking windows of The abandoned houses I was surrounded by and plenty of trees.

At this point I thought Yoongi was messing with me and decided to turn back until I saw something in the trees , it looked like lights. I decide to follow the lights through the trees and they lead me to a huge abandoned theme park, so this is what Yoongi was referring to. I was now standing in what I thought was the middle of the theme park, to be honest it seemed a bit scary with no around. My phone buzzed which made me jump, geez that scared me a bit. And when I checked my phone I had a message from non other than Yoongi,

Yoongi-So glad you could make it, but let's just say you aren't gonna be meeting me.

Huh? What now he just made me come here for no reason. I'm gonna have a serious talk to him tomorrow at school. I look around for a bit and notice the eeriness of the place, it would've been better if it wasn't so.........quiet. As I walk I hear a sudden noise coming from the Ferris wheel, I turn to see what the commotion was about then I feel a hand covering my mouth. Instant shock spread through my body at that very moment, was I going to die?

The hand felt soft but soon stopped covering my mouth, I couldn't move for a second and then someone spoke,

"How did you know about this place?" A deep voice came from behind me, it seemed so familiar then it hit me...

"Taehyung?" I turned to see the orange haired Taehyung. He was wearing tight leather pants with his air Jordans, his school shirt which was now all crinkled up and his black tie which was messily undone. I didn't think I'd say this but he looked a bit handsome, uhhh Lisa what are you thinking.

"Hello, I asked how you knew about this place?" Taehuyng says and grabs my wrist

"Hey! Look Yoongi just said for me to meet him at this address" I reply coldly as Taehyung drags me to the Ferris wheel.

"Follow me!" He says with a stern voice, it was a bit scary seeing him like this. He starts climbing up the Ferris wheel that was at least two storeys high, I don't think I had a choice so I followed him. He stopped when he reached the top passenger seat, I was a bit scared of heights but didn't say anything. We were both in the passenger seat and non of us spoke a word, then I actually talked,

"why did you bring me here?" I ask in a monotone voice not looking at him.

"Because I need answers" he replied back

"What answers?" I exclaim

"Why are you different from other girls?" He says, I was a little stumped by the question and didn't know how to answer.

"What are you asking why I'm not swooning over you like all those fake asses?" I say and roll my eyes.

"No. Never mind" he says

"I should be asking you that question, it's as if you are a different person when you aren't in class. Why?" I say

"..............I have my reasons" he says with an emotionless voice.

Authors note:
Wow 1373 words that's a first. So I really hope you like this story so far and it's not to weird for you guys. Please share this with your friends and give it lots of love, if you have time please check out my first fan fiction called 'the foreigner' ft Jungkook.

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