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  "..............I have my reasons" he says with an emotionless voice.  

Uhh whats with him "I'm Kim Taehyung and I have my reasons blah blah blah" ...... seriously I say as I wave my hands in the air. Then WHACK, I tun to see that I've just hit a girl. Oh shit I'm dead.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K! LOOK WHERE YOUR GOING BITCH!" the girl said as she gets up from the floor, from the tone of her voice and her choice of clothing she was probably the Queenka of this school.

"Eww! Who called the slut of the school? I didn't!" I say and smirk as she gets all hyped up about what I just said. 

If this was a k-drama her face would have edited so she could have steam come out of her nose and ears lol. She shoots up from the ground and doesn't even hesitate to try and hit me, but obviously I just dodge it and her fists eventually hits the lockers behind me leaving a dent in them.

"Ya missed. And looks like daddy will have to pay for the locker accident to be fixed, oh wait I should pay him so he can fix the mistake he and your mum made. You!" I say as I push her a bit to the side so I could make my way to the cafeteria to grab a snack before I went home.

 As I start walking i'm not even able to take 10 steps from this girl, I turn around and I am greeted to a punch in the jaw. Okay she has really gotten on my last nerve, I don't think twice and shove her into the locker this time leaving her stumped. Finally I've finished dealing with her oh! I forgot to ask her what her name was, my bad......not. I make my way to the cafeteria to grab a apple and a muesli bar, probably all I'm gonna eat for today thanks to mum. As I exit the school I see a familiar figure, Yoongi!!!. 

"Yo! Sup Lisa?" He asks

"Nothing much. Why?" I ask while covering my bruised jaw with my hair. He was giving me a weird look like a dog would when he/she wouldn't understand what your saying. 

"Can't I ask?" He said with a monotone voice.

"Fine fine whatever, I gotta go now"I reply sounding uninterested

"Ok *yawn Bye" Yoongi says as he is falling asleep on the spot. 

I try to keep my laughter in. I walk home and as I unlock the door to our small house/apartment I hear shouting *sigh not this again. I enter the door and see broken glass on the floor and knew exactly what was happening. Moms boyfriend broke up with er and now she is drinking even more than usual. I hate my life.

I try to be as quiet as possible but I have no way out of this, I hear my name being shouted.

"LISA!!! LISA CHU! GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!!" My mom scream. No not again I don't even want to see her now and especially when she's so drunk.

"NOW!" my mom screams, I make my way to her bedroom and say nothing.


"No!I came home 10 minutes later than usual. What happened did your boyfriend leave you like the last one?!" I say trying not to raise my voice. A few seconds after those words escaped my mouth my mum grabbed me buy my shirt collar and threw me on the concrete floor.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" she says as she slaps my face. I try not to let her hear me hissing in pain, but she just keeps going. She then grabs a wine bottle and throws it at me, I can just feel my skin getting pierced from the broken glass. There was blood on all of my clothing and body, all that was left now was for her to kill me. Before she did anything else I managed to run to my room and lock myself in there. I grabbed my bag threw some food,my water bottle, schoolwork/books, my phone, money and spare clothes. I decided I would escape for at least a few days, I quietly open the window and crawl out of the house leaving my mum by herself. 

I don't regret anything.

I walk to a nearby park and rest on a bench for a while, trying to relax note:Trying to relax. I rummaged through my bag and grabbed some my water bottle to have a drink.Shit I didn't refill, *sigh Now I need to go to a grocery store looking like I just committed a crime. I start walking to the closest grocery store and grab my phone to check the time 10:30 pm my mom probably doesn't even know I'm gone that's how much she cares. 

?????????????'s POV:

I have had it with my father he is always so sensual towards every single girl he sees and he never even cares about me anymore. I'm not even surprised mom left him, for what its worth I would leave him too but he is the only one that pays my school fees. Why couldn't one of his many girlfriends go to the grocery store and buy him painkillers for his sore back. Wow I wonder why his back hurts so much maybe because of how many women he's laid in the past few days. I am almost at the doors of the grocery store and then I see Lisa, She looks so tired what is she doing walking at this hour?. I see her pulling up her hoodie sleeves revealing cuts and bruises, as she reaches for the door handle. She drops on the floor, oh shit what just happened. 

I run up to her pick her up bridal style and start running to my mom's house. My moms house isn't that far away from my dad's house, he just too stupid to realize she so close to him. And thank god my mum is one of Korea's best doctors, she can see what happened to her. 

At ???????'s House:

"EOMMA!" I shout

"Yes son!OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!" She says as she sees Lisa in my hands.

"Who is she?! Did you have a one night stand!!!!!!?" My mom says

"WHAT!!!!!NO she's a school colleague of mine" I say as I put Lisa on the couch. My mom firstly takes of Lisa's hoodie revealing bruises and cuts on her face, arms and legs.

"What the heck do you think happened to her son?" my mom says and I shrug my shoulders

*2 hours pass        [cus why not am I right?]

Lisa's POV:

ehh what happened?and why does my whole body ache its as if I was punched all over, wait that did happen. I slowly open my eyes and notice I'm not at home and I think i'm on a bed or couch, pretty comfortable. I feel some breathe on my hand and look to see someone leaning on the couch sleeping.


Author's Note:

Hope you like the chapter be sure to like,comment,follow me and share!!!

PS; BTS at the Grammy's was AWESOMEEEEEE!!!


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