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To who may this concern,

One time I saw a robin bird. Now birds are interesting not just because they can fly and stuff but because they are in some similarities like humans. They're raised in a nest, fed and provided for until one day they grow up into an even more beautiful creature. After growth they leave for flight and it can go down hill or up. For this robin it went pummeling down. As i picked up my fallen robin, I called it Phoenix because the blood from its left wing reminded me of fire.

For I tried to save my dear friend Phoenix but sadly it was too late. All the things he could have seen and the places he could have flew by. But no. This little bird will fly no longer.

Ever since then, birds have been my favorite animal and my dream is to fly like a bird. To glide through the air and feel the breeze.

I have one brother named Carson that hates birds. He has had multiple birds attack him so he usually never wants to bird watch with me but he does anyways. He never leaves me. He is always there to help me get up on my feet and to support me. Carson once made a promise to me. It was to never leave my side and to help me protect every bird I find hurt. All I remember that day, when he made that promise, was that it was right after the incident that killed both of our parents and our dog Sadie. I got seriously injured and supposedly lost a lot of my memories but I remembered my brother Carson and birds.

Carson is around three years older than me, I'm 15, so he always watched out for us. I don't think I've even seen him cry because of how cool he is. I know for sure that he loves me and cares for me but I always get the feeling as if I am annoying around him. He has this girlfriend, Jenny, that he can't tell is a whore and a jerk combined into one. She isn't faithful to him and when ever I call her out he gets mad at me but it's the truth. No one even deserves my brother. He is too pure and nice for this world. He is like my Robin that fell from the tree.

But under my life, I am a tree stump stuck to the ground.

I don't want to be but I am. No one can dig me up. For no one likes a stump of the tree. It is useless. It doesn't provide shelter, oxygen, shade, etc. Worst of all, no birds can make their nest in me. My poor Phoenix could have made a nest in my tree and live there. I would've  help him each time he fell down and cherish each and every song he performs.

But here I am. The tallest building in my town. The tippy top. My dreams will come true now. I am going to fly like a bird because I now have realized that I am actually my dear friend Phoenix. I am pure as well. I could be a flame amounting to something in its life. My stump can now be dug up.

And to my brother Carson, it's ok. You fulfilled your promise. I know you may not know this but I will be back. I will be a sparrow. That is who I am and I don't know if I can wait. I need to spread my wings and see the places my dear friend, Phoenix, couldn't. But I need to hold on. I know how my friend's story ends. His life is cut and i don't want that. I have Carson that I need to get back too. Even if he is the only person in the world who will ever love me, that would be enough for a small sparrow like me.

Sincerely, Phoenix

For its ok to want to want to fly

but please don't spread your wings just yet

you don't need to glide until it's your time 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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