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"So Mrs.Goenka.... how are you doing? Happy leaving your husband?" he said taunting pain visible in his voice.
Naira "sorry sir but.... but I need to go... excuse me" she said in hurry and was going out when Kartik pushed her towards the door keeping his both the hands on each side of her body. Naira moved her face to the side with eyes closed fear. Kartik put his one hand on her neck holding it tightly but not too tight too choke her and the other hand around her waist.
"You are not away from me now. I won't let you Mrs.Goenka" he said angrily in her ear. "Leave me Kartik and stop calling me that. I'm no more a Goenka. We got divorced ." she said gritting her teeth. Kartik "oh no Mrs.Goenka. You're still my wife. I never signed those papers."
Listening to this Naira opened her eyes looking at him in eyes and she was relived that he didn't sign those divorce papers. "I'm here too take something." Naira was shocked, she thought that he was talking about their son. She didn't know how he got to know about Karna. Naira "leave us Kartik. Leave us... please...." Kartik "only if you'll come with me Mrs.Goenka. I'm here to take you" he said determined. "That will never happen Kartik" Naira said pushing him and went out of the cabin getting chance.

Naira has asked Shraey to bring Karna from school and straight went to her home, in bathroom. She started the shower ad sat under it crying. She didn't care to remove her clothes or close the doors. After few minutes Karna came to her room shouting for her and saw her under the shower door open. He shouted for Shraey who came running there and was shocked to see Naira's state. He switched off the shower and picked Naira up and brought her out. Karna gave him a towel who started rubbing her body. "Daddy what happened to mumma?" Karna asked scared for Naira but Shraey couldn't say anything to him as he didn't knew himself. Shraey shook Naira who suddenly hugged Shraey crying "Shraey... he is back... he is back.... he will take my child from me... he will take my child" she said scared and crying not being in her senses. Seeing her state Karna started crying. "Mummaaa..... Daddy..... what happened to mumma.... why is mumma doing this daddy...." Shraey took Karna in his hug and stopped him from crying and made him sit beside Naira. Naira "he is Shraey... he will take Karna.... I don't wanna loose my child. Do something please....." she said crying. Karna hugged Naira getting scared. Shraey "who Naira? Whom are you talking about." he said taking her face in his both hands scared. "Kartik Goenka" Naira whispered. Shraey took Naira in a
hug "everything will be okay. Don't worry Naira..." he said consoling her and took her in a hug." After few minutes Naira came out of the hug realising what she was doing and what she has done that too in front of Karna. She moved back awkwardly. She got up and went to washroom to change scared of what might Karna would think why did his mommy behaved like that.

"Daddy what happened to mumma?" Karna asked Shraey when Naira was in the washroom. "Karna we will talk about it later. First let mommy be okay then I will tell you everything."
Karna nodded cutely "okay daddy."

Naira came out of washroom and Karna hugged her. Naira picked him up and kissed on his face. Naira "Karna baby go to your room. Mumma will come there to change your clothes." Naira said to Karna putting him on the ground. Naira "Shraey... I've decided to leave this job. I... I can't do it here" he said weak. Shraey "Naira, you can't get weak. Why are you doing this. You are a sherni, and tigresses doesn't give up" he said trying to make her understand. Naira "you can't call me that... no one has the right to call me stigress except for Kartik...(she said angry but then realised) I... I mean I'm not a tigress now. I'm not.... I don't know what to do. He said he is here to take away something and I think he has got to know about Karna and if what I'm thinking is true then he will take my baby from me. I can't live without Karna. He is my baby...." she said falling on the floor crying. Shraey held her "don't forget Naira, he also his related to Karna by blood. He could have taken Karna if he would've known about him." he said trying to make her understand. They heard Karna shouting for Naira so Naira wiped her tears and went to Karna room to change his clothes.

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