Against the Plan

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Back at the Shiba household, Rangiku was deep under ground watching her son sleep peacefully. Her mind wasn't focused on the task at hand, due to the fact that she had this dreadful feeling eating away at her. She reached her hand out to brush away the child's lock of hair, then let out a deep breath. While she honestly wished that she had the innocent one back, she feared that she would go back to coddling that particular child.

A loud sound was heard from the entrance, and then she stood up to see what was going on, because she got a bad feeling. A few minutes after she left, Hitsugaya Toshiro woke up, stirring from his sleep and also realizing that something was wrong. He pushed the covers away, pausing when he remembered that he had limited mobility.

The door open and he glanced up to see who opened, only to have his jaw drop. His bright teal eyes suddenly filled with fear as the man stepped into the room and walked over to him. Toshiro squeaked the name out, knowing full well that he was in trouble. "Aizen!" He then opened his mouth loudly. "Matsumoto!"

The man simply laughed at him and came closer. "Matsumoto Rangiku, or Hitsugaya Rangiku as she is known in this world can't here you. Do you know how surprised I was when I found out that you were Gin's child? A lot of things made sense to me after I found out. I mean, why would someone go through all the trouble of trying to kill me, unless there is some deep motive."

The boy swallowed hard, glancing around for his zampaktuo, only to see that it was propped up against the door way. Aizen stepped over and then reached down and grabbed the front of the boy's under kimono, lifting him up off the ground, his legs hanging limp and useless below him. Toshiro grabbed the man's arm and tried biting down on the man's hand.

This of course, only caused him to be slapped hard across the face and then shaken roughly, his head jarring back and forth. When Aizen stopped, he spoke up again. "Do you want me to shake you again? You may be very intelligent for your age, but that doesn't change the fact that your brain is still developing, and one wrong injury could ruin everything for you."

At that, Toshiro swallowed again and found himself thrown over the man's shoulder, while the man stepped aside. Rangiku suddenly came back into the room, and the boy tried calling to her. "Matsumoto Help!"

However, the woman simply passed them by and walked over to the bed and sat down at the edge. "Go back to sleep Toshiro. There was a noise outside, but it turns out some pots in the kitchen fell over."

"Rangiku..." A whimper escaped Toshiro's mouth as he watched the woman.

Aizen chuckled. "Didn't I tell you that she couldn't hear you? Did you honestly forget what my power was?"

The boy began to struggle, only to find the task impossible with his legs only able to twitch weakly. The man simply began to walk out of the room and out of the Shiba residence, just as Toshiro's head dropped from defeat. The man remained gentle with how he carried the boy, and eventually they got deep into Soul Society, where Aizen dropped the boy roughly. "Do you know how I found you?"

At that, Toshiro swallowed, glancing at his bare feet, knowing full well that nobody was going to come to his rescue. He pulled his legs up to his chest then. "I don't know."

"Oh come now, Hitsugaya-kun. You are a very intelligent child. You are, after all, his child." Aizen let out a laugh, suddenly nudging the boy in the hip area.

"Maybe I take after him in looks only. Maybe my intelligence is like Matsumoto Rangiku's." Toshiro muttered, trying to figure out what was best to do in this situation.

At that, the brown haired man lifted up his foot and placed it under the boy's chin, forcing him to suddenly look up at him. He could see the fear that was in the bright teal eyes, despite the fact there was the will to fight. "Now, little one... you and I both know that Rangiku's idiocracy is just a facade she puts up with everyone, just like your father has his own mask. We both know that she is intelligent enough to be a captain."

The man then smirked at the white haired boy. "Maybe you don't want to admit that, because you are afraid that she will become a captain now that there are three vacancies back in the original world. You are scared that she'll leave you behind, just like your parents did. But now you've found out that you are going to be abandoned by your parent again, which makes it worse."

"Rangiku would never abandon me!" The boy suddenly snapped out, a few tears coming down his cheeks unwillingly.

"Your reaction says otherwise." Aizen stated firmly. "Now, Hitsugaya-kun. Tell me how I found you."

"When I lost it, you could feel my spiritual pressure, even from all the way over here. If not, you likely received reports about a storm gathering in a particular area. It goes without saying that one of the traits of my zampaktuo is that the weather changes when I use my abilities." Toshiro stated, then found the foot being removed from his chin.

"Good boy." The man glanced down at the boy. "You never did trust me, just like your father never did." He watched as Toshiro suddenly flinched. "You don't like the fact that Gin is your father and that you two are so similar?"

The white haired child spoke what the thought, knowing full well that Aizen would push him to answer things further. "I always noticed that we had similarities, despite the fact I used to not like that. I flinched because I just realized I had never trusted you. I never distrusted Gin or disliked being around him, but I never liked being around you. You are a monster."

At that, Aizen leveled a nice kick into Toshiro's ribs, causing the boy to gasp out. "I'll be back for you. I need you for something." Time passed, and eventually, the man did come back. "It is time to make my own move, Hitsugaya-kun."

The boy found himself scooped up into the man's arms, as he moved out of the room and down the hall way. The boy felt his lower limbs hang lose while he hung onto the man's arms, glancing at the ground not wanting the fear in his eyes to be seen. There were footsteps coming from one of the side directions, approaching them.

"Are you trying to use an illusion on me?" At that, Toshiro's head darted up, recognizing the voice of the silver haired man. He saw that Hinamori was holding onto Gin's hand. That didn't last long, and the next thing the boy knew, his eyes were widening in horror as Momo's zampaktuo pierced Ichimaru, much like Hyorinmaru had once pierced her.

The boy's breath came in gasps as he tried to suddenly struggle, only to be thumped on the head by Aizen's free hand. Not being able to move was a pain. Gin's eyes glazed over for a short period of time, but then he came back too. "Why?"

"Aizen-sama raised me since I was a baby. It goes without saying who my family is." The words she spoke caused the small white haired child to choke out in frustration.

"No... that's not what I meant." Ichimaru's reiatsu suddenly flared up dangerously, his eyes looking straight at Toshiro.

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