Author's Note

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I've been putting off this note for so long...agh. Not like anyone is super interested in reading it, but I mean why not post one. It feels complete without it.

So, thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I'm sorry it was kind of easy to see the antagonist, I'm not particuarily good with mystery so much, but this was fun to try and step out and do. Levi was definitely my favorite character, and him and April's relationship was just so much fun to write. And you HAVE to believe I didn't want to do it though. Please. I did not want to kill him. It was...there was...agh. There was just no other way, man. [there actually was but I kinda wanted to rip some hearts out shh don't tell]

Alright. I won't make this anymore exciting than it's not. Thank you SO MUCH for reading. I cannot thank you enough and tell you what every vote and comment does to put a smile on my face. :)

Until next book, thanks.


p.s. If you liked this story, feel free to check out the completed Dandelions & Cigarettes 2-book series, they're similar to this.

p.s.s. If you're looking for something more fantasy-like and lighter, definitely check out the current project: Transversals.

p.s.s.s.And in the future if you're looking for more action-y stuff and plot twists, check out Ampersand.

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