No Taco Shells

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"Who the fuck took the taco shells!" Was the wake up call for the morning. Cammy was the first to get down the stairs and in the kitchen. Taking a seat at the island sitting in the middle of the kitchen, Cammy gave Will a blank look as he dug his way through the cabinets.

Will snapped his head towards Cammy and instantly calmed down. "Morning Tips." Offering a small smile. It was then when he realized what he had done. There was boxes and spilled spices all over the floor and counter.

Cammy still with a blank expression read Will's sudden reaction and got up to get a broom. Will followed Cammy planning to say his apologies.

Cammy opened the pantry and the neighborhoods wakeup call spilled through Cammy's lips.

"Shit Spy, why do you do this."

"I have no idea what you mean." Chris said, slipping the mangled mask from her face.

"The hell's all the commotion about." Lux and Moon were bounding down the stairs now.

"Isn't obvious by now?" Lux was the first down the stairs and was ready the first to start the cleaning process. "I'm going to take a nap after this and Chris, you should probably buy Shaman some more Taco shells."

"But it wasn't me who took them, that's so lame."

"No but you did wake the fucking neighborhood probably half the world." Moon butted in giving Will a fist bump.

"That's retarded! If anything it should be Tips over here she was the one who did all the yelling." Chris threw her hands in the air.

"You know what how bout the whole band goes to the damn store and get the groceries." Cammy suggested.

"I shotgun selection." Will ran up the stairs to get dressed.

"Fat chance dill weed." Moon chased after him.

"Guess that settles that." Lux chimed and headed up the stairs himself.

The van was a 7 seater crew van, the year on it was unknown but it looked new. It was a mixture of navy and baby blue and of course had a wizard riding a unicorn pegasus, shooting rainbows from his hands while the unicorn shooting lasers from its eyes, in space.

Once at the store the group got $300 worth of food and other things but mostly Ramen and things of that nature. This was all thanks to their recent gigs.

It was about 3 hours before the band got back to their house and was unloading the van then they realized something important.


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