Meeting my brother, Jeff the Killer

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"Stupid parents, making me walk." I muttered angrily as I shuffled along the path in the dark, with the rain beating down on my head. It was starting to give me a headache. Kicking a loose stone on the pavement I continued to mutter while I walked.

School had finished over two hours ago now. My idiotic math teacher Mr Lee had kept me back for twenty minutes to give me a lecture on the wonders of maths and how I shouldn't be talking and disrespecting teachers during lessons. Then I missed the second bus because the secretary refused to let me out of the damn building and my parents refused to come pick me up.

My foot caught on something and I tripped. I swore loudly as I got up from the soaking dirty ground. Glancing around I tried to identify what it was that I tripped over. "Wha-?"

"You know you really shouldn't be wondering around in the dark." My head snapped up at the sound of the sinister male voice. "And why do you say that?" I didnt doubt that talking back to a potential rapist was just tempting fate but I couldn't help it. My curiosity was getting the better of me. "Because it makes it all the more easier for you to get hurt." He replied.I didn't miss the warning between his words or the threatening way he spoke them.

Looking around was useless, I still couldn't see him. "I'm curious as to why a young woman like you is walking around ALONE in the pouring rain." He continued in a vaguely amused tone.

"My parents refused to pick me up and the bloody secretary made me miss my bus." Even I could hear the trace of anger and frustration in my voice. Wait a minute. Why am I still talking to a potential rapist? I need to get out of here! "Er so as nice as it was talking to you I need to go now."

"But why?" I stiffened. Someone was breathing down my neck. "I thought we were gonna be besties?" Even in the situation I was in I couldn't stop a giggle from escaping my lips. "How do you feel about dying?" I stopped giggling instantly.

"Well you know I don't exactly look forward to it and I would rather you didn't kill me whoever the hell you are. There is something unappealing about the idea of being murdered by a stranger whose face I have yet to see, in the dark, while its raining, dressed in my ugly school uniform." I felt the man behind me laugh and tighten his vice like grip on my shoulders. "You are different from the others. Too bad your going to die now." My breathing quickly became uneven as he turned me around to face him.

I couldn't stop the scream as I met his eyes. His skin was a pasty white, his eyes were a dark grey with his eyelids burnt off and he had long black hair that looked like it hadn't been cut in years. But thing that made me scream was his smile. It looked like someone had pinned him down and carved a terrifying smile onto his face that could give a person nightmares for the rest of their life. The smile went from ear to ear and cut so that you could see the red inside of his cheek. He was grinning even wider now as he registered the fear in my eyes.

He pulled his arm up, revealing a gleaming silver knife sharpened to perfection and raised it above my head, aiming for my neck. I felt my entire body stiffen in terror while the man laughed darkly. "It was nice meeting you, now its time to GO TO SLEEP!" He brought knife down so fast, yet in that moment I could see everything in perfect clarity. It was pretty obvious that if I made it out alive, which was hardly likely, his face would haunt my dreams for the rest of my miserable life.

I won't die like this. I refuse to. "NO!"

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