Chapter 8

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I woke up and sat there board. I thought about going to school about 20 times before I came to the conclusion to do so. I did my regular routine in the morning but put on my orange hoodie and went downstairs. Cassie was sitting there with Pastry. "Hey Foxy, I got a job at a coffee shop." Cassie told me sternly. I didn't say anything while I was eating. I finished up and read my book till school was about to start. I walked outside and got in my car. On the way driving to the school, I saw a kid walking down the street doing homework. Great I forget sense I missed school I have homework now, well more.

When I got to school I got out. I was heading to my locker when I seen some familiar faces. I walked over to the group, I believe there where 5 people. When I was there it was more clear. Ash, Smoke, Ruby, Kitty, and Zinniah where chatting about books when I came in.

"Hey dude how ya been" Ash told and looked at me while I think I this was a good decision to come over here. I nodded the thought about it and decided to just talk.

"Nothing much I wasn't at school because i- umm was just. I passed out in the bathroom after hitting my head on the counter!" I came off a little louder then I wanted to. Smoke raised his hand to object but I wouldn't let him. "And yes that is that truth Smoke." He staied me down with a confused look.

"That's not what I'm getting at..." He pulled out his water gun but I smacked it to the side when he tried to spray me. The water flew to the side of me and hit Zinniah. Zinniah was on here phone this whole time and now was storming at Smoke who was now running away. Ruby and kitty were still talking when they finally realized I was here. Ash left to help smoke so I was walking away as well. Ruby and Kitty wanted to talk but I have to get to class. When I made it to library I pulled out my book and started reading.

I was really into the 15 chapter and it was turning out well in the plot when it was time to get to my next class. I was walking through the hall when the fire alarm started to go off. I was out in no time no sitting in the car parking lot with like 50 other random people.

For the next 30 minutes I watched my school burn down in flames. Not knowing if my friends are ok. I wiped out my phone witch I have on me all the time, doesn't go so well in class but ya. I try texting everyone and ignoring the fire trucks coming through to at least help. I eventually stopped watching the fire and the teachers where trying to get us all home. I got in my car and turned on some favorite tunes while riding home. While in the car I ask myself. Why can't this world leave my life alone.

I get a text from Bonnie while I was pulling in my driveway. I hop out and walk up to the front door on my phone.

{Messages Screen}

Foxy: Hey you good if so do you know how everyone else is doing?

Bonnie: I'm fine and so is Freddy and Chica but I don't know about the others sorry?

Foxy: Ok thx for the help! 🦊

Bonnie: No prob, if you wanna come hang where all chillen at the park? 🐰

At this point I was just leaning on the door texting him. I forgot all about telling my sisters what happened because there still in a bad mood about what happened to mom but it's understandable even for me. I hoped in the car and drove the the park getting in heavy traffic of course. After sitting there forever, I rolled back up the window after letting in cold blowing air. I started back down the street and made it to the park.

I hoped out my car and walked over to the bench. I was taking in the area when someone hugged me from behind without me noticing. The person let go and I turned around to find Mangle!? She was standing there with all her friends smiling. "How do you always find me here?"

I really wanna ask that because I don't know why. "Oh because I live right across the street from this park. But man am I glad your ok why are you hear all by yourself?" She asked in confusion makes sense though. I waved my hand in the direction she should follow me and lead her friends over to the bench, where Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica where sitting.

"Hey guys guess who showed up with some friends" they all smiled and we sat down to talk. We talked and talked until Bonnie came up with a good idea.

Thx you all so much for reading I know cliffhanger hahaha.......

JK I would be a Dush.

People have been waiting to long for this to come out so I'm making it long duhh! 🐻🐰🐥🦊

Bonnie being the prankster he is has a phone book and knows some homes of are teachers. We were board so he thought of pranking the teachers sense there out of school two.

We headed to Mr. Troy's house for the first prank. We decided to start with a classic ding dong ditch, but we want everyone to know. Fred, Bon, and Chi as we call them hid in Bush's with cameras. Mangle, Chica, and Bonnie where making sure that we wouldn't be spotted and me and Freddy where gonna do the ding dong ditch part.

I got thumbs up from the cameras and Bonnie who was watching that he wasn't at the door. Me and Freddy ran through the yard and up to the door. I was crouched under the window of the door and Freddy head in the pocket under his doorstep. We were gonna do it twice. When all the cameras where completely hidden I rang his door bell and ran for the side of the house. I was sitting next to Mangle and Bon in a bush near bye while the camera was rolling.

The door opened and Freddy covered his mouth so he wouldn't blow his cover. "Who in the wor-" we all chuckled under are breath. "Oh my God fang pranksters school just got burnt down and I'm already pranked this is dumb it's only Spring." He walked inside and we all laughed. Freddy gave a wave after a minute or two.

It was time for round two Freddy got up and rang the door bell and ran for where Toy Freddy was filming. There was a unexpected visit by a girl scout after Freddy ran for the bushes. She was about to get to the door when it flung open. "GO AWAY YOU ANNOYING KIDS!" it took him a moment to release there was the girl scout there and he felt bad. The Zebra girl scout grabbed her stuff tight and ran away.

Are teacher put his hand on his head and walked inside. He all grouped up a few houses down and laughed. The footage was gonna be put in a video on YouTube and everyone will see it when we show it to people at school. After a few more pranks it was time for most of us to go. We said are goodbyes and I headed home. When I finally got home it was a solid 6 O clock and I guess I was in a brighter mood the earlier. When I opened the door I was greeted bye hell in my eyes.....

Ok cliffhanger for real this time I am so glad I got this out it's been a while I was working on other things I was sick I have school. I'm so so so so so so so sorry but it's out if you enjoyed please vote and I will cya in the next chapter it will be out sooner then normal I had a lot of time for ideas and if you have a OC in my book you will probably be seeing it soon vary soon. If you want a OC in the book just comment and it will see if I can accept it most of the time yes. But cya all later my peeps hope you enjoyed

This place is Hell: Fangle High School [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now