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(I have no idea where this chapter was supposed to go because me being stupid I never wrote anything or a note for what was supposed to happen in chapter 10. and I don't really remember who was in their friend group sorry. Anyways on with they story sorry if It doesn't fit.)

Foxy's POV

    Bonnie was screaming from the kitchen for everyone to get outside. He screamed "I might have angered somebody powerful and they set a bomb in my house go, go, go"! I don't know how Bonnie figured out there was a bomb, but what a night for a party damn. When chica reached the door she tried to open it but it was locked through the window there was some guy and he ran off into the darkness. What did Bonnie do to make this guy want to kill him. Also apparently the back door was locked as well.

    Freddy being the sycophant he was grabbed a chair and smashed the window open. As he was getting out we heard small clicks and before I knew it all I saw was flames and then darkness. It was just silant, was I dead. I couldn't see anything but I knew that I was inside when it exploded.

3rd Person perspective

    The bomb went off obliterating the house and everything in it the roof tumbled on top of the house covering the kids. The ambulance came to the house along with a fire truck a few minutes later. They scavaged the house for any survivors and they only found one that looked remotely alive was a bear the was impaled by a glass shard, he was curled up in the streets a bit from the house.

     The bear got up from the ground and tried to walk twords the police man and was then carried into the ambulance and of to the hospital he explained it was gonna be a house party with all of his friends, but his pal Bonnie forgot that he had got into trouble when hanging out with Freddy and went snoping through private property and got caught by a group of mafia. He was then let go, but they said they would get him back.

~~~Sad Time skip~~~

    Freddy was healed back to health and told the story on the news. Then there we're the funerals of Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, Mangle, The puppet, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Lolbit, Ash, and Smoke. Pastry and Cassie cried for days they where there only hope now for their family. Foxy went on into heaven with his family and friends. Freddy later committed suicide over the stress and pain he livied through. In the end not every story has a happy ending.


And personally this story to me doesn't deserve a happy ending. I kinda gave up on it awhile ago so I had to end it. I'm getting older and there's more things to do. I don't have the time to be brought to making a chapter regularly and also I just haven't felt for this story. Sence chapter eight I just haven't wanted to continue I was trying to make original content and it didn't work the way I wanted it to so I stopped caring. I know you guys love this book and I know you guys would probably love a better ending in a more detailed story, but I'm never gonna get to this and I know it so I might as well end it here. Sorry 😅

I love you, and I want to thank you for reading and supporting me when even though I'm never getting to it. By peeps 🦊


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