Drinking the pain away

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Hakeems POV

Since the performance incident, I haven't been in a good mood. I've mostly been staying at home, with my friends, Chicken, Antonio, And DJ. All we do is drink, eat, and smoke really. As I take a swig of the liquor out of the bottle, I could hear the sounds of keys rattling at the door. I close my eyes knowing that it's Angel.

Angel: * Yells* WHAT THE HELL?!

Chicken ,Antonio, & DJ: Hey Angel

Me: Hey bae

Due to the fact I was a little drunk, my vision was a little bit blurry.

Angel: Chicken I love y'all but I'm going to need you three to get out, Hakeem and I have to talk

Chicken: Say no more Ang

I watch as my friends leave and I turn to Angel to see she's really pissed.

Me: Bae I- *gco*

Angel: Don't bae me Hakeem *semi-yells* What the hell is wrong with you?!

I take a swig out of the bottle. Angel slaps the bottle out of my hand.

Me: *looks at her* What the hell is your problem?!

Angels POV

Me: My problem is you! All you do is go out and damn drink!

Hakeem: *Yells* So what!

Me: So what?

I step close to Hakeem

Me: Brees in the next room, What if she walked in and saw her dad smoking and drinking with - *stops mid sentence*

I walk across the room to find a gun on the floor. I pick up the dangerous object and look at Hakeem.

Me: Guns, Hakeem really?!

Hakeem sits on the sofa & I sit next to him.

Me: Hakeem... If you keep doing this... I think I just might have to take Bree away from here for a while

Hakeem: *pissed* So you trying to take my daughter away from me now?!

Me: I'm not taking her away from you Hakeem!

Hakeem: Then wtf are you trying to do then Ang?!

Bree: Mommy, daddy?

Hakeem and I turn to see Bree standing there.

Me: Hey baby *hugs her* I'm sorry we woke you

Hakeem: Yeah princess.. we're sorry

I side eyed Hakeem and shake my head.

Me: Go put on your jacket and shoes boo

Bree: Ok mommy

Bree runs to her room and I turn back to Hakeem.

Me: I'm going to over mom and dads house to record music... You need to think about what I said.... And you know we've talked about this

Hakeem nods

Hakeem: I will and baby I'm sorry

Me: You just need to do better and stop drinking so much

Hakeem kisses me on the cheek. I bite my lip softly, I know he misses performing but he needs to stop doing what he's doing and do what the doctor says, like we talked about. I put Bree in her car seat and buckled her in. I get I the car and drive away. Maybe as soon as I as record my song with mom and dad, everything should be ok.

What will happen next?

What will Hakeem do?

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