Chapter 15 S1: Dark Shadow Spirit's

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Yínzi was upset when she told the whole truth infront of Felix when she disappears because she never spoke the truth for decades when they were all silent and Blue giving Felix the smirk-ish face, Pau was looking at them emotionless then Fred seems a bit concerned like he realize what's going on so he waved at him then Pau shakes his head and looked at Fred then he smiles, Brianna opened the door then closes it as she started to get confuse at them and she thinks that she missed some conversation they are having.
"Uhh.. What did I miss?" She Asked
"Eh.. Just some few words..." Said Scarlett
"Why is she facing behind you?" Asked Brianna
"W-What? N-No... I'm just looking away haha..." Said Grizelda

"We're just talking about the Next Spirit we are going to find.." Said Lovely
"Oh ok.. Where's Ignite though?" Asked Brianna
"Oh he's with Scrouge, he's fine he just needs some rest.." Said Grizelda
Brianna quickly opens the door then slams it as the others got really confused at her but Grizelda and Scarlett looked at each other and gives a smug face because they know why she left so quickly then the others followed as Cj tried to stand up as his legs starts to get a little shaking then falls then but George made him stand up again and follows them, Brianna found Ignite as she was out of breath then she comes inside to check on Scrouge.

"How is he?" She Asked
"He's in good shape.. Just tired.." Said Ignite
"Oh... That's good to hear..." Said Brianna
Then Grizelda and Scarlett sneaks in then watches them as they started to giggle continuously the others shrugs then goes back but Lovely stays with Scarlett and Grizelda while they watch them having a conversation.
"You know? Scrouge did talk about you when he was being healed..." Said Ignite
"Does he? I wonder why?" Asked Brianna
"He knows you... When your father died from the old village he saw you there upset.. He wanted to talk to but the Hunters whipped him so he didn't talk and kept his mouth shut..." Said Ignite
"I didn't know that... Now I feel bad..." Said Brianna
"He wanted to confess to you.. But he said how can a princess fall in love with a Monster like me.." Said Ignite
"*Goddamn say it.. SAY IT..*" Mumbled Scarlett
"Shhhh..." Said Grizelda
"He doesn't need to confess to me.. Now that I found out the truth.. Well.. I can't say much.." Said Brianna as started blushing
"Hmm? Why is your face red?" Asked Ignite
"Eh?? W-What??? N-No I'm not? It's just hot in here.." Said Brianna
"But the temperature is normal here... You sure you're alright?" Asked Ignite
Just then Scrouge started to open his eyes then looks around and he saw Ignite with Brianna talking then they saw him that he's awake and they Both stopped talking.
"H-Huh? Where am I? Why am I h- shit... It hurts.." Said Scrouge
"Lay down... You still need to rest.." Said Ignite
"What about those two people? Are they going to destroy this place again?" Asked Scrouge
"Well.. Viper used a hypnosis spell on them and somehow they aren't brainwashed anymore." Said Brianna
"Brainwashed? What does that mean?" Asked Scrouge
"Ugh... It's like they stopped being controlled by Andri.." Said Brianna
"Hey don't be like that to a Hybreed Dragon... Don't you feel pity on him?" Asked Ignite
"I-... Y-Yes I do.. Just don't blame me for this.." Said Brianna

Ignite left the room as soon as he leaves he saw Grizelda,Scarlett and Lovely secretly watching them, then he left and give a little bit of a chuckle and they start to watch both of them again as Brianna sits down on a chair then sighed, she folded both of her arms then looks away from Scrouge staying there silently for a few minutes.
"*Sighs* why am I even here?" She Asked
"You can go back if you want to... I'll just stay here.." Said Scrouge
"W-What?! Uh no,no.. Look I just don't want you to get out and leave, you still have to recover.. I know you'll leave again.. Douchebag." Said Brianna
"*Chuckles* Why do you care for me now? I thought you hated me?" Asked Scrouge

"SH-SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE...." Yelled Brianna
"Your cheeks are red... You ok?" Asked Scrouge
Brianna started blushing more as her face turns red then turns around, Grizelda and Scarlett started to give the smug face as Lovely started to feel a little awkward when they do it so she shrugged then continue to hear their conversation.
"Are you having a fever?" Scrouge Asked
"N-No I'm not... Just.. *Sighs* Do you know what love means....?" Asked Brianna
"Oh... I never heard of it... Is it another deadly weapon?" Asked Scrouge

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