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I know I don't have many views on this story but I hope y'all like it. I try to update at least every other day so please vote! I need the inspiration :)

It's been two months since me and Austin has been together. We've gotten closer and lately I've been feeling sick. I through up as soon as I get up in the morning. It's been going on for for a few days. I haven't been to school in a whole week and Austin is begging to come over but I told him I had I had a bad cold and was throwing up with it and I didn't want him to get sick.

"It's probably just a bug Ally" I told her as she sat at the foot of my bed.

"Madi it's been going on for a whole week" She told me as she stood up and looked me in the eye.

She grabbed her jacket off the back of my desk chair and put it on. There's snow outside now and it's the beginning of December.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as I crawled to the edge of my bed.

"To the store to get you some medicine. I'll be back shortly" she told me and grabbed her purse and walked out the door.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up my breakfast. I brushed my teeth and crawled on my bed. I started thinking and realized I missed my period.

Oh no


Ally walked into my room with a brown bag in her hand.

"Here i want you to take this" she handed the bag to me. I grabbed it and looked in it, a pregnancy box was in it.

"Please just to make sure" Ally said from the foot of my bed.

I nodded and walked to my bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I did my business on the stick and sat it on my sink and let Ally in. We waited three minutes before checking it.


"Ally" I cried into her shoulder. She comfort me and rubbed my back.

"Mads it's gonna be okay." She said while rubbing my back.

"We've only been together for a little over two months and n-now I'm pregnant with his baby!"

"Let me make you a doctors appointment to make sure" she said as she grabbed her phone.

The quickest they could get me in was tomorrow evening.


The next day I decided to go to school

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The next day I decided to go to school. I flat ironed my hair and did light makeup. I slipped on a baggy sweater and jeans with white converse. I sighed and grabbed my bag and headed out my apartment. I passed Austin's apartment and sighed. Maybe he hasn't left yet. I knocked but he didn't answer.

Once I made it to campus I met up with Ally in the parking lot. And we walked to class together.

I spotted Austin and went to walk over to him but he laughed at something and then I noticed he was talking to Ms. Ross. I went to first period with Ally.


I haven't seen Austin all day beside this morning and now I was headed to his class. I walked in and once again Austin walked in with Ms. Ross following right behind him.

She told Austin something and he smiled. She went to leave but stopped and turned around and kissed his cheek. Austin didn't do anything and when she turned around to leave he looked at me and I put my head down.

Was they secretly seeing each other?

Halfway through his class, I couldn't concentrate so I stood up and grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.

"Ms. Colt" I heard Austin shout after me but I didn't stop. I took my phone out and texted Ally.


Hey I really need you right now. I think Austin is secretly seeing Ms. Ross. Meet me by my car if you can. If not it's fine.


I'm coming ASAP I'm gonna kill the prick if he is.


Thanks so much!

I sighed and put my phone in my back pocket and walked out to my car. I put my stuff in the back seat and got into the drivers seat and the tears I was holding back starts flowing out.

My passenger door opened and Ally got in.

"Oh babes" she reached over the console and hugged me.

"I-I" I couldn't get a sentence out.

"C'mon lets go to your doctors, I'll drive" I nodded and let her drive.


Ooh do you honestly think Austin and Ms. Ross are secretly seeing each other?

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