Chapter 27:Beginning of a Kingdom

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Okay so now that the the group at Plantation 13 have started to grow and expand, its time for some changes. What other tricks could Gaia still have up her sleeves? What new developments will take place?
Plantation 13 has definitely gone through some changes since the rescue mission happened a few weeks ago. First off the Klaxosaurs had dug out more tunnels in the nest so the new parasites would have a place to sleep. Surprisingly the new inhabitants took to the Klaxosaurs surprisingly well despite all the fighting between them in the past. In fact a lot of the mother Klaxosaurs would round up groups of the children and have them sleep in their nests along with the eggs. Gaia was unbelievably happy at how well things had been going, but she still had one thing to take care of.
              Gaia looked over the area surrounding the Plantation with a thoughtful look plastered across her face. "Gaia? What are you doing out here so early?" Kokoro asked her friend as she stood next to her. "It's not enough." Gaia said plainly as she continued to stare off into the distance. "What's not enough Gaia?" Kokoro asked as she began to worry about the princess's wellbeing at this point. "The fields won't be able to supply enough food to support everyone in the Plantation." Gaia mumbled to herself as she continued to plan her next course of action. "Gaia you've worked hard to help not just us, but the Parasites at the other Plantations as well! So please don't continue to stress yourself over us!" Kokoro said as she gently patted her friend's back.
                "Sorry Kokoro, but it's a princess's sworn duty to worry about her people and try to take care of them. So until this problem is taken care of I won't relax." Gaia states as she gives the other girl a smile in hopes of reassuring her. "Okay, but if you need our help, don't hesitate to ask Alright?" Kokoro said as she turned to leave, but was stopped by Gaia grabbing her arm. "Actually Kokoro there is something you and the others could help me with." Gaia said as a smile spread across her face. Gaia led Kokoro back to the Manor in order to set her plan in motion.
                  "So Gaia this thing you said you needed help with, what is it exactly?" Ichigo asked as she and the others followed the princess through the Klaxosaur nest. "I wanted to wait until VIRM was gone for good, but given the food situation that's no longer an option." Gaia said as she stopped and one of the Klaxosaurs places something in front of the princess. The members of Squad 13 gather around to see what exactly the object was. To their surprise it was what appeared to be a seed that was the size of a human being. "Gaia what is this thing?" Goro asked as he examined the seed with a curious eye.
"Back before VIRM attacked and my people still lived here peacefully there was a central point of our civilization. This is where I and the other members of the Royal Family lived. A tree that reached into the clouds above, the World Tree was its name." Gaia explained as everyone except Proto looked at her in shock. "So this World Tree, what did it do exactly?" Ikuno asked as she pushed her glasses back up her face. "Other than being the home of the Royal Family it was also what replenished and restored the planet's Magma energy." Gaia explained as everyone nodded their heads in understanding.
"So why are you telling us this?" Miku asked as she watched the seed as if it would sprout legs and run away. "Because I was hoping that all of you would allow me to use the soil around the Manor to replant the World Tree." Gaia said as she waited for them to respond. "Are you sure? I mean wouldn't VIRM try and destroy like they did last time?" Mitsuru asked as he looked at the Princess in confusion. "I'm aware of the risk, but the reward is worth said risk. The tree will grow to full height almost instantly, then the surrounding area would be restored as well. Although it will take a long time the entire planet will be back to its former self." Gaia explained as everyone began to understand what she meant.
"Alright let's do it! If we can get the world back to normal, then what are we waiting for!" Zorome cheered as Gaia giggled at his enthusiasm. "Heliconia would you please carry the seed for us?" Gaia asked her daughter who smiled before picking it up. "Of course Mama!" Heliconia said as she carried the seed out of the nest along with the other Franxx Children who had their parents. The dome on top of Plantation 13 opened as Heliconia climbed the side and set the seed down on the ground. The Franxx Children Set their parents down as they drop back down to the ground. "So how big of a hole are we going to need?" Goro asked as he looked at the seed with a puzzled look on his face.
                    "Allow me to take care of that." Proto said as his arm formed into a black and blue backhoe. Proto began to dig out a large pit for the seed to be placed in as the rest of Squad 13 watched. Once the hole was completely dug and the seed was placed gently inside, Gaia pulled out a knife. "Now we must add the blood of a living being." Gaia said as she cut her hand and let her blood spill on top of the seed before passing the knife to Proto. Proto did the same before offering the knife to Hiro, who hesitated, but did accept as well. One by one each member of Squad 13 performed the process before Proto filled in the hole.
                    "So what now? Does it take a while or?" Zorome asked as the ground around Plantation 13 began to shake. "I would recommend we move." Gaia said as they jumped down and were caught by their children. The group turned to see a humongous trunk shoot of of the ground on top of Plantation 13 as roots grew down around the building and into the ground below. Grass and trees began to grow in the area around the Plantation. "Ah that's much better! Now we can start effectively growing enough food to feed everyone." Gaia states as she smiles at the rejuvenated land.
"T-This is beautiful!" Ichigo stuttered out as she tried to hold back tears. "Yes and with time the rest of the world will look like this." Gaia said as she looked over her regrowing kingdom with a smile on her face. Proto wrapped his arms around Gaia as Heliconia picked up both her parents and hugged them. "I'm so happy for you mama!" Heliconia cheered as she snuggled them against her cheek. "It must be good to have your land back Gaia." Futoshi said as he smiled up at the princess. "Wrong, not my land. This is our land and our kingdom from now on!" Gaia announced as the members of Squad 13 cheered at her words. This was the true beginning of a new age for the earth.

Sorry this took so long to get out, it's been strange trying to write this one. Anyway now the land around Plantation 13 has been rejuvenated and is in great condition. Now that Plantation 13 is in a sustainable place the only thing left to do is to prepare for Virm's next Assault! When will they strike? Will Plantation 13 be ready? Find out in the next chapter!

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