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            The cramping in my stomach felt off, something was wrong. Something wasn't right.

I stayed quiet, knowing I wouldn't be able to leave until Alexi got home. And even then, he wouldn't believe I was going into labor.

I was three weeks away from my delivery date, that's the date Alexi has been going off of. He didn't know anything about women giving birth to their children. He hasn't even been here for any of this pregnancy.

I was hoping this would happen, and thankfully the pup in me was working with me. I cleaned everything that I could think of in the house as my contractions came on stronger. For once, I begged the Goddess to bring Alexi home early.

I cooked him dinner, leaving everything he would need set on the table. After that, I went into the room, grabbing a bag. I was shaking, grinding my teeth as I filled the bag with clothes, blankets. Folding everything as small as I could possibly make it.

I went and opened the safe that was never locked. Closed, but never actually turned. I slowly pried it open, my fingernails gripping the edge of the personal bank. My hands shook as I grabbed enough money to last me a decent amount of time before I would have to find a job. There was enough money in here that he wouldn't notice the amount that I was taking.

It was enough to make me shake in my spot, sweat beading along my forehead.

I moved quickly as I stashed the bag behind the front door.

And then I am waiting, the pain crimpling as my wolf tried to help. We were both crumbling from the pain, but my wolf was excited. Our pup was on its way.

And finally, what we had been waiting for months was being put into play.

He was never going to believe I was in labor. Something I knew since the moment I knew I was pregnant. E would think I was faking it.

As the door opened, I held my breath. Praying he didn't see the bag.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked with the door open, he stood there, his brow furrowed.

"I'm not feeling too good," I laid it on thick. "I think something is wrong." He narrowed his brows at my scrunched-up form on the couch.

"Something like what?" He dropped his hand from the door as he watched me, his eye flickering to my stomach as his scent of the she-wolf choked my senses.

"I don't know, it doesn't feel right. My wolf is pacing." I paused, flinching for effect as he began to look worriedly at my stomach. "Bella said if anything was wrong than to go to her."

"Ok, go to her. If anything happens to the pup it's your fault." He dropped his worried look, glaring at me instead as he stalked to the kitchen, leaving the door open. "I expect you back as soon as she finishes."

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