Ch 1

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It was 11:59 July almost my birthday. I counted down
A burning pain ripped thro my skin. I passed out and woke up 5 minutes later with Kassle and her long wavy platinum blond hair with black and white streaks over my face. Her pale fingers and her black gloves holding a icy cold rag to my forehead.
I smiled and said "thanks Kassle."
"Anytime Hadrian" I stood up and saw I had wings and I felt my head. Horns.
I looked at Kassle "what am I?"
"A dark angel demon hybrid now come on we are going to gringots put your glamour on and I'll put mine." I looked at her
"Can I see what I look like" she nodded and summoned a mirror
"HOLY SH----" I felt a book hit me in the back of the head
"Language" I nodded and looked at my black curly hair that went to my shoulders and my blue eyes I was now up to Kassle shoulder . I was about 6'4. Kassle snake slithered up to her neck and hung there like a necklace as she put our glamour on and apaperated us gringots. We walked thro the doors and to Griphook "Mr.Potter, Lady.Leslange What may I do for you two."
Kassle spoke "we would like a inheritance test." Griphook nodded and brought us to a room and we sat at a table and Griphook handed me a dagger as I cut my pointer finger and let 6 drops of blood fall onto the parchment and words appeared

Birth certificate
Hadrian Sirius Lupin-Riddle
Mother: Remus Lupin
Father: Tom Riddle

Inheritance:dark angel demon hybrid
Mate:Severous Snape(vampire)

I looked at the paper in shock "thank you Griphook we will be leaving" Kassle said as she apaperated us to RIDDLE MANOR?!?!?!? During a meeting there where so many faces I didn't expect to see there. "Who are you two" Tom Riddles voice was like ice and sent a shiver down my back as Kassle pulled her gloves back into place she said  "Hadrian why don't you answer that I will go after does that sound good cousin" she said looking at me I nod removing my glamour and everyone looked shocked "The names Hadrian Lupin-Riddle" I smirked and looked at Kassle "your turn" She sighed and snapped her olive skin turned pale her red hair turned platinum blond and the scars where ever you saw skin. Her blue eyes went to one Orange and one white. She went from 5'6 to 6'10 taller then pretty much everyone in the room "Names Kassle Black-Malfoy-Grindlewald-Leslange" everyone looked at the two and looked shook to the bone and we both laughed mine a normal and hers an insane kind of laugh "Your both alive?!" Tom said and we both nodded as Kassle pushed me toward and put her snake on her arm and watched me walk foward. I was terrified Tom stood up and walked over to me. Before I knew it I was in a bone  crushing hug and Kassle just laughed.

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