ch 2

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I smelt a really good smell coming from someone. I some how got out of toms hug and I sniffed the air and I saw that Kassle had a grin going to her eyes. It lead me to Severous Snape. Professer snape. I just stared then I said "mate" under my breath. Kassle was still smirking. Yawned and before I knew it Kassle had me in a bed tucked in "welp
Kassle just laughed and left as snape walked in and next to me "I'm sorry for being so rude to you." I smile before drifting off to sleep I was awake it was 6:30 I sat up and went to Kassles room and woke her up instantly knowing I messed up. She gave a death glare and I screamed bloody murder as she chased me around throwing spells at me until one hit me I hit the floor "I HATE YOU KASSLE" she walked up to me and put her wand next to ,y temple

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