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Hey I had to do an assignment for english so I did it based off of taekook so here's a little moment that I will share with you


This is the part where you actually write out text/sentences/paragraphs; attach notebook paper if needed. Use the prewriting you completed to help you. You may also choose to create a digital document and type your story.

Jungkook had just gotten back to his apartment from his six hour-long dance classes, He was tired and worn out and looking forward to one of his favorite beverages so as soon as he walked through the door he headed straight to the kitchen and to the fridge, His mouth dropped as he opened it to find nothing but strawberry milk "Are you kidding me" He mumbled out trying to contain his anger but it was hard because he knew exactly what happened to it "Taehyung" He whispered before marching right over to the older's studio and barging in "Taehyung-ssi" He yelled startling the older.

Taehyung turned around to see the smaller boy with a pout on his face "Hi Kookie" He said but the younger didn't greet him back instead he stared at the familiar bottle sitting on the older's desk 'My banana milk' He thought to himself then glaring up at Taehyung

"What's wrong," The older asked and Jungkook stomped his foot as if he was six instead of twenty-one.

"Hyungie why did you drink my banana milk that was mine" Jungkook pouted and Taehyung just scoffed thinking that Jungkook was being childish and shouldn't be upset over that.

"Grow up Kook it's just a drink," He said and Jungkook immediately kicked him in his leg making him fall and whimper.

It was just a drink Taehyung didn't understand why he was so upset over something so little and why he resorted to kicking him.

"It's not just a drink Hyungie I saved that one for today on purpose you know how hard I work and all I wanted was to come home to my banana milk but you ruined that for me" Jungkook whined with his sad face making Taehyung regretful of his actions, He does know that Jungkook goes out every day working hard at his dance class and it stresses him out so if coming home and having his banana milk makes his day better then he guesses he deserves to have that.

"I'm sorry Kookie I guess I wasn't thinking," Taehyung said pulling Jungkook over to his chair to sit.

"Here drink the rest little monkey," Taehyung said handing him the half-filled bottle of banana milk which Jungkook immediately grabbed and started chugging down.

"Feel better," The older asked running his fingers through the younger's hair

Jungkook nodded his head with a smile on his face "Thank you Taehyungie" Jungkook said pulling Taehyung into a warm hug.

A/N: the teacher was like " i thought it was great i love how you mixed ypur culture into your work" like bitch do i look korean

got an A tho

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