part 5

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You wake up the next morning and look around before grabbing your phone. There was a text from Robin.

Robin💛: hey I had fun yesterday

You smile it was nice to have someone who cared for you. You hugged your phone and then put it down. With a groan, you fling yourself out of the bed and to your closet. You grab your yellow I'm a cool shirt and fling it on then put on some matching hair clips.

After getting ready you grab your backpack and head out the door making sure to carefully avoid your mother.

Once at school, you see people whispering but you couldn't bring yourself to care still on a high from hanging out with Robin. You walk into math class you can feel your teacher smirking but you didn't think too much about it since it probably just meant there was going to be and test and took your seat.

Robin had walked into class but he didn't look at you...weird. Throughout the class, you saw a girl rub against him...gross but he would cheat on you not after what happened last night...right?

It was after class now you walked out wanting to go question robin but as soon as you see him he kissed the other could ran off crying 

Sorry, this is kinda rushed I just wanted to get out a new chapter hope you like!//

Robin skinner / cavetown x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now