》Active Server Pages (ASP): A standard for scripting server
side web pages.》Active Cell: The cell in MS Excel with dark boundary is
called the active cell.》Analog: Describing a system particularly an electronic device
that uses a continuous physical quantity to represent
information.》API (Application Programming Interface): It is a set of tools
for building software applications. A good API makes it easier
to develop a program by providing all the building blocks .A
programmes then put the building blocks together》Back-up File: A copy of all the files created as a safety
precaution in case any harm occurs to the original.》BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code):
An easy to use High Level language which is now replaced by
improved version of Microsoft Visual Basic.》Blind Carbon Copy (BCC): In e-mail, a copy of message that
is sent to one or more persons without the knowledge of other
recipients.》Bit: Basic unit of computer which has two values ‘0’ and ‘1’.
》Byte: One byte is a collection of 8 bits.
》Basic Input /Output System (BIOS): It handles the start up
operations and low-level control for hardware .Also known as
ROM 》BIOS.》Boot Loader: It reads the main portion of the operating
system form secondary memory.》Boot: An initiating automatic routine that is read into RAM
when a computer is first turned on. This provides the
necessary environment for subsequent loading of all or part of
the operating system, software application etc. It prepares the
computer for use. The process of starting a computer is called
boot and restarting is called warm boot.》Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP): It a computer networking
protocol that which is used by a client to obtain an IP address
form a server. It is used to establish a connection during a
computer’s initial boot up during the Bootstrap process.》Bandwidth: It tells about the data transmission rate of a
network or internet connection. Bandwidth is used to calculate
the amount of time that is required to send a data over a
specific connection.》Bus: A bus is a communication system that allows the data
to be passed back and forth inside a computer or between the
computers.Bug: An error in a software program is called a bug.
》Cache: A cache is a temporary storage area where
frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access. It
acts as a buffer between CPU and memory.》Clock speed: A rate at which a processor can complete a
processing cycle is called clock speed.》.Com: .Com (Commercial) is a top level domain name used
by businesses, although individual register.》CGI (Common Gateway Interface): A standard method used
to generate dynamic content on web pages and web
applications.》Cookie: Cookie is user data that is stored in a user’s browser
to notify the application server of the user’s previous activity
regarding that application》Copyright: It means the material and information are the
personal property of the owner or producer.》Counter feiting: It is the process of making and distributing
illegal copies of software packages.》DBMS: It stands for Data Base Management System. It is a
software package to manage database.》Data processing: It is process to get meaningful information
from data.》DHTML (Dynamic Hper Text Markup Language): It is used to
create dynamic content on web pages.》Digital Signature: It is a cryptographic scheme to preserve
the originality of digital documents》Dots per inch (depi): It measures the resolution that states
the number of dots that the device can print, scan or display in
a linear inch.》DNS (Domain Name System): Is a system that distributes
unique name to internet resources that identifies those
resources across internet network》ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): It is management
software used in enterprises to collect, store and manage their
resources》Ethernet: It is the most popular type of LAN, in which
communication through radio frequency signals is carried by a
co-axial cable.》Ethernet

De Todoict related stuffs. Computer System servicing, computer networking, etc.