Chapter 4

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Song dedication: Green Day~ Extraordinary Girl

 Dan's P.O.V

“Woah, that is weird”, is all that Chris has to say. It is now lunchtime and I have just told Alex and Chris about Kyra. The both seem to be thinking about what she done, as there was a long silence after the story was over. We walk out the side door of the school building and into the open, outside area of the school. The sun is beaming down at us from above, half-blinding us for a few seconds and there is a slight, refreshing breeze in the air making the atmosphere pleasant and calm. There are very few people outside and only a couple of people are scattered across the soft but dry grass and a few are crowded around little wooden picnic tables enjoying what is left of the good weather. “Yeah, tell me about it”, I sigh. I am kinda frustrated not knowing what Kyra did or how she did it and because she won’t explain what had happened, it makes me even more exasperated. There is a slight pause before Alex asks completely out of the blue, “Wait, is she hot?” Both Chris and I roll our eyes but I can’t help but smirk a little. Should have expected this question, it was only a matter of time.

We continue with talking about the summer as we head out towards our usual lunchtime spot. I find out a lot through this topic of conversation; Chris has a girlfriend (which is a huge deal for him), Alex has moved house, they both spent most of their summer indoors doing absolutely nothing, Alex got kicked out of the mall for pretending to act dead on the escalators and he also crashed Chris’s car into a lamppost. “I will never forgive you”, Chris repeats for the 50th time, shooting Alex another death glare. “Love you too, man”, Alex smirks. We sit down under our usual tree, far away from everyone else with the canopy of leaves above us shading us from the blinding sun. We have our lunch and our conversation turns to sports. Chris plays football for the school so he is pretty excited for the season to start. “I’m telling you guys, we will win this year!” Chris says a little too enthusiastically. “May I remind you that that is exactly what you said last year and we didn’t win”, Alex replies in a matter-of-factly tone. “I swear to Jesus Alex, don’t fuck with me, remember you still need to pay for my car”, Chris says in a deadly serious voice. Alex stares at him blankly and says in an emotionless tone, “Oh, I’m so scared please don’t hurt me.” Chris clenches his jaw and is just about to hit him when something catches my eye.

“Oh my God”, I whisper loudly to the guys. Chris stops in mid air with his fist out, ready to punch Alex who has backed into the tree. They both sit back down and ask, “What?” Their eyes look across at the tree opposite ours to the exact point where my eyes are fixed. There is a familiar figure perched on a tree branch on the tree, with her feet dangling off the side. She is facing our direction although she is not looking at us but at a book that is lying across her lap. Of course this person is Kyra. “Man, she’s beautiful”, mumbles Alex, somewhere in the background. I turn around sharply and give him a questioning look but Alex is preoccupied. He is staring at Kyra as if he has not seen a girl before, his mouth slightly agape. He is utterly speechless and continues to gaze at her. I cough loudly and he snaps out of whatever it was he was in. He blinks a few times and shakes his head, as if trying to get rid of any thoughts he has about her. Chris and I cast each other a look, both of us silently promising not to let Alex anywhere near her.

“So this is Kyra”, Chris sums up, taking in her appearance. I nod and look at her once again. She is still reading but a few seconds later she looks up from her book. It must be some sight, three boys just sitting staring at her. Her yellow eyes meet mine before travelling to Chris and then finally to Alex, who is still gaping at her as if she is some sort of alien. She begins to laugh silently at him and glances at me. I flash a goofy grin back and Chris whispers sarcastically, “smooth”. I roll my eyes, a grin still plastered on my face. I suddenly remember something. “I’ll be back, you two stay here”, I say, looking at Alex in particular. He looks at me dreamily before asking, “huh?” “Watch him”, I say quietly to Chris, as Alex returns to being creepy. I walk away from the guys towards Kyra who has a mildly curious look on her face. As I draw nearer she says, “Wow Dan this is the second time in less than two hours, some people would think you’re stalking me.” I laugh and she smirks playfully.

“So what can I help you with?” she asks, snapping her book shut. She is gazing behind me, observing something and before I have time to answer she informs me, “It looks like your friend need help more than you do right now.” I sharply turn to face the guys and find that Chris has Alex pinned up against the tree bark. Chris I about to punch him and Alex is cowering against the tree. Alex sees us first and mouths, “help” as Chris sits back down apparently thinking that punching Alex that was a bad solution. When they are both sitting down, they both look at us at the same time before waving manically and grinning, as if nothing happened. I give them a warning look and they get the hint. I pivot to face Kyra and I find that she is no longer sitting on the tree. She is inches away from me, staring at me as if I am a mildly interesting T.V programme. I suddenly feel really warm, a cold sweat breaking out in my hands and my breathing has slowed considerably. She is still staring at me, her eyes not breaking any contact with mine. She smiles a little and my eyes flicker down towards her lips, totally unaware how intimate this moment must seem to any bystanders. I can feel my heart hammering against my chest and I swallow with difficulty. Her eyes have left me in some sort of trance, my mind completely blank, the only thing I can think about is how badly I want to kiss her.

I snap out of whatever the hell I was in and step back a little bit, to distance myself and also so that I can see her more clearly. She gives a small scoff as if “ha bitch I won this game” and looks at me totally innocently with her usual smirk. “So I wanted-”, I stop halfway across my sentence as my voice is two octaves higher than what it should be. Kyra giggles girlishly at this and I bury my face in one of my hands to hide my embarrassment and then cough to clear my throat. “So I wanted”, I say, making sure my voice was lower than the last time “to ask you about what happened earlier.” Kyra’s look completely changes from being happy to looking a little bit scared. Her eyes become as cold as ice once again, her body stiffens and she looks unamused.

She is silent for a minute and she replys, “Look, I’m not sure what you saw or felt earlier but whatever happened had nothing to do with me. You gotta understand that I was only asking if you were okay or not, I have no idea what happened to you. Sometimes people can’t control who they react to something or they fall into an illusion but I can’t do that to someone.” She looks extremely pissed off and glares at me after her rant. I am kinda gobsmacked, totally caught off guard. “I’m sorry, I can’t answer any of your questions without you getting hurt”, Kyra explains, genuine sympathy in her voice. Just as she finishes her sentence the lunch bell rings and the handful of students outside make their way towards the school building. She looks at me for another moment and takes a breath as though she is going to tell me something before she shakes her head, lowers her eyes and walks away swiftly toward the crowd of people at the doorway to school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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