Chapter 1

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Hi guys! So this is a story I’ve been working on for a while for all you sexy people ;)

I hope you like it! \(o.o\)  

I tried not to copy anything that I’ve read previously, I hope its original enough for you all…

Once you read this you will understand that this is obviously not true or based on real events and there are also some words that I have made up throughout it to make it more interesting for you all..

So I wont hold you back any longer; here it is and I hope that you enjoy it! :)

Song Dedication:     American Idiot~ Greenday

Dan’s P.O.V:

I pull up in the over crowded parking lot that is there for school use. I have the track “American Idiot” by Greenday playing in my old car and a few kids stumble out of my way as I pull up in a parking spot near the school building. Like every highschool, you’ve got your stereotypical groups; the populars, the geeks, the outcasts and the ones who are in-between. Each one of these categories surround me, closing me in and shielding me from the school building. Each one of them has their own assigned area of the parking lot. I receive a few glances in my direction and a few hellos are exchanged. I chuckle a little as a few girls walk past me and wink. So typical. I grab my bag and lock my car as I hear from the distance “Dan!” I turn around and two guys run up to me, smiling broadly. One of these guys is called Alex. He has jet black hair that is always perfectly styled and dark blue eyes. He is very tall and quite thin. The other is Chris. He is also quite tall but he has a little more muscles. He has dark brown hair that is always pushed over to one side and has sea green eyes.

These two boys are my best friends and they have been since we’ve been about five. They know me inside out and vice versa. It’s great to see them again, as I haven’t seen them since just before summer because I was away in Mexico all summer with my family. “What’s up, dude?” Alex exclaims while giving me a bro-hug. I laugh a little and shrug “Oh, same old shit.” “I missed you bro”, Chris says, giving me a fist bump because he’s ‘too manly’ to give hugs. “I missed you guys too”, I admit. Which isn’t an entire lie. As fun as Mexico was, I didn’t know anyone except for my family and I got really bored after a while. “So how was Mexico? Any hot chicks?” Alex enquires and winks suggestively. Me and Chris burst out laughing, as this is so typical of Alex. “No man, nothing”, I say shaking my head. Alex looks a little disappointed but soon picks up when he sees a group of girls in front of us. “Holy shit!” he almost shouts. They all turn and look at Alex, whose mouth has dropped to the floor. All of them are sluts but just Alex’s type. “Hey Alex!” they shout back flirtatiously, all in unison and flipping their hair. They walk off together and Alex looks quite speechless.

“Did you see that? I was totally in!” Alex rambles on, continuing to glance behind him every now and then as if they were somehowfollowing us. “In your dreams”, Chris mutters a grin plastered on his face. Alex stops and he says “Wait. Who did they just talk to? Me! Who were they looking at? Me! I didn’t see them noticing your existence at all.” I laugh loudly at his sassiness. God, I love that boy! They both continue to have the argument the whole way through the corridor to the office. They are still debating whose eyebrows are better, because they seem to think that girls like eyebrows, when we get our timetable. Why am I even friends with them? I look over my timetable and look at theirs. No classes the same. Man! That sends Chris off in a rant about how we’re seniors and how this is our last year and how we should be having fun with each other and not in separate classes. I don’t really mind that much, though. As much as I love them, I don’t learn anything when they’re around. We all depart in our separate ways and I head toward my first classroom.

I walk into the crowded classroom and look around to see any familiar face that I could recognize and make awkward conversation with until the lesson begins. I am glancing around me at each individual and then suddenly, I feel someone’s presence behind me. I feel a small shiver run through me and against my instinct, my curiosity gets the better of me. I turn around and I see a girl standing there. Now, this isn’t your stereotypical high school kind of girl, this girl was different from any other person in the room, even in the school. She is quite small and thin. She has jet black hair cascading across her forehead, shielding it from view and you could tell that she had backcombed it to give it more volume. She is wearing a band shirt with the name “Satanic Prayers” splashed in the middle of a picture of a red rose. I know my bands pretty well but this band to me was unknown. She is also wearing a skirt, fishnets and platformed boots that reach just below her knees.

When I first turned around, she was reading a piece of paper in her hand but once she notices me she looks up. Her eyes are very big and are a strange colour. I have never seen anyone with eyes this colour. They are a caramel kind of colour and almost yellow. Not brown or yellow but somewhere between. Her eyelashes were extremely long and coated with mascara and a thin layer of eyeliner. Her lips were painted red, the same colour of the rose on her shirt. She is obviously a gothic kind of girl but I can’t lie, I kind of like it. She is so beautiful! I have never seen her about before so she must only be new. I am just about to introduce myself when the teacher walks in and we all take a place in our assigned seats.


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