The Red Mustang: 2

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The same stupid ass alarm woke me up at 7 a.m. I really didn't want to go to school because I knew people would be talking about what happened yesterday. I got in the car with Garrett, and there was a comfortable silence in the air. (My outfit)

We parked in front of the school

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We parked in front of the school. I see a white BMW pull up next to my car. Garrett and I looked out of the window, and see a blonde yelling at us. She was the girl Ryan was making out with. I roll my eyes and step out of my car. She says, "Well if it isn't the little bitch who decided to steel my spot. Oh, Hi Garrett." She winks at him. I gag internally, and almost vomit in reality. "Hi, Amber." he says flustered. Fucking Amber...

Olivia: Well if it isn't the BIG slut who has the audacity to call me a bitch.

We all heard a loud booming sound and turn over to see a red Mustang drive through the school parking lot. Of course he has a Mustang. Ryan...

I sigh and I hear Ryan ask me "Is there a problem?"  "Now that you're here, yes indeed." I reply and walk toward the school as he smirks at me. He turns towards Garrett and says "I'm getting some at the party tonight." Amber couldn't hear because she was running around with her friend whores. "Dude, she's my sister." he says to Ryan. "Damn, you got a hot sister." Most girls would be like 'OMG the hottest guy in school said I'm HOT' but me... HELL NO! I kick the back part of his Popliteal Fossa,( Google it bitch lmao) making him fall to the ground. I proceed to punch his face, and a crowd forms. 

Oh yea. I'm a street fighter. I go by the name 'Pink Shredder' because of how fast I knock my opponents out. I have only lost once, and it was to my trainer, 'Siren'. He is the only one who knows about it, and I'd like to keep it that way. I made my way out of the crowd to find Jonathon and the rest of my friends. Everyone stares at me as I enter the large building. Some whispering, some guys winking. Ugh, grow up. I finally find them and greet them with a simple "Hey" 

Alexa & Jonathon: That was fucking badass!

I shrug and see Garrett run up to me. 

Garrett: What the hell was that for?!

He was pissed. 

Olivia: What when I beat up your friend, or called your little crush a slut, or when I broke your arm in 2nd grade? The options are endless.

He huffed and ran back over to Ryan. I heard the first bell ring and everyone scattered to 1st period. I sat in the seat I did yesterday, and in order for Ryan to get to his seat he had to cross my path. As he did, I whispered "A pussy and a softy in one. How nice." I was under his skin and he couldn't do anything about it. Until lunch nothing happened. Then there she was. Amber. She decided to walk up to me. 

Amber: BITCH!!!

She slapped me across my face, but I was still as a statue. I stood up calmly, and punched her straight in the jaw. She fell backwards.

Olivia: Look in the mirror. It'll be a lot truer.

She was coughing up blood, and I see Ryan.

Ryan:Will you ever stop punching people? 

He asks me. Helping Amber off of the ground. I say "Nope." with a slight chuckle. 

Olivia: Besides, where are all of the teachers and shit? Aren't they supposed to be stopping this? I say looking at Ryan.

Ryan: Why are you looking at me?

Olivia: Oh, I don't know. I thought you'd like fuck some of the teachers that are at least under 27 years old. 

Everyone laughs including Ryan... What the fuck.

Ryan's P.O.V

Okay. I know what you're thinking. WTF why would I laugh or whatever. But that was low-key funny. 

Ryan: Are you going to the party tonight?

Olivia: What Party? The one you said you wanted to fuck me at? No thanks.

Ryan: Ding,Ding, Ding. And, that was a rhetorical Question. You are going.

Olivia:Whatever, Dad. Who's party?

Ryan: Matt's.

Olivia: Who the fuck is Matt?

Ryan: I'll text you who he is.

Olivia: You don't have my number. 

I look over at Garrett and Smirk because He gave me her number.

Olivia: What the Fuck, Garrett?

Garrett: What? he asked.

Olivia: So if a homeless man asked for your twin sisters phone number, you'll give it to them?

Garrett: We-...

I cut him off before he could respond.


Olivia: Yup. 

The bell rings, and we all scatter. I like don't really hate her for punching me. Is that bad. To be honest, it was kinda hot, but hurt like hell.  Like, damn. How could she punch that hard? I have a fucking bruise. Then I see Amber. She walks up to me.

Amber: You wanted to fuck that piece of living garbage?!

Ryan: She's not garbage. And besides, it's not like we're dating. Just like a friends with benefits type thing. Ya know? Chill babe, It's fine.

Amber: Whatever!

She yells as she walks out of the empty cafeteria.


Sup Queens! I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday, as I was basically on my death bed with an 103 degree fever. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though only like 2 people know about this book. I love you anyways xoxo <3

                                                                              -Devil Eyes

    "Wherever you go, go with all your heart"


Word Count. 940

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