Chapter 1: Penne's annoucement to me

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At the forest when I'm practicing my moves and rap lines for my ikonic performance,

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At the forest when I'm practicing my moves and rap lines for my ikonic performance,

my girlfriend penne watches me do my best when I not mess anything up. When I'm done with my training, I panted since I'm exhausted and drank some water. When she came to me, I looked at her with a happy face to say an announcement to me.

Penne: "Hey arashi, how you doing?"
Arashi: "Doing good. You know I'm done practicing for my ikonic performance and I'm glad that anything's awesome since gyoza joined our team. How about you?"
Penne: "Doing great as well. Arashi, I have a important announcement to ask you and it's some good news."
Arashi: "Sure and go ahead what I need to hear."
Penne: "Two day's before february 18 since valentine's day's finished, my birthday's tomorrow and I'm so excited that I can't wait to turn eighteen and enjoy my life."

I'm happy that I can't wait for her birthday in two days because this is going to be awesome.

Arashi: "Wow! I can't believe that your
birthday's in two days. Especially you're turning older since you're becoming eighteen. How cool is that?"
Penne: "It's going to be excellent. *Signed* Arashi, I have to say. Before you found your zoid partner and started going on into missions besides hip-hop and rap class, did you took karate kickboxing and skydiving class when you were a kid?"

I got shocked since penne told me if I took karate kickboxing and skydiving class when I was a kid.

Arashi: "Wait! I remember taking those two classes when I was kid. So yes, here are the pictures my mom and dad took back in the past."

I used my phone to let penne look at the pictures from my two sport classes. She thinks that they're great since I'm a great karate kickboxer and a skydiver.

Penne: "I like those pictures and especially that you've passed every test and finished two classes."
Arashi: "I know, right? Well? It was kinda a story before I became an expert. During karate kickboxing class while fighting a opponent, I almost got knocked out but I didn't felt some bruises or and broken bones. So I stood back up, and finally knew how to fight like a warrior. On skydiving class inside of the helicopter, I looked down of the floor and it was too high since I was scared of heights. But not anymore. When I closed my eyes, I jumped out of the helicopter and felt like I didn't feel very painful but I'm glad I knew how to dive in the sky. When I used my parachute, I float like a bird landed into the ground and finally survived. My parents were proud of me since I'm a great sport and finally passed all tests. 2009 was my last year before my departure since they both threw two goodbye parties for me. And that's how I became an energetic and a zoid warrior."
Penne: "That's good to hear that you never failed two classes. For me besides ballet class when I was a kid, the sport class I took was tennis. I remember on how to swing the racket, hit the ball and never got hurt. I won and lost some competitions since I've been training. My last year was 2008, they threw a goodbye party for me before my departure. I'm very glad that I remember my favorite sport."
Arashi: "That's great to hear about your favorite sport to take."
Penne: "*Replied* Thanks. But is there anything you can make my birthday exciting before on the eighteen?"
Arashi: "I have an idea. Penne, it's a secret and a surprise for you. So wait and see what happens."

Penne's excited that I making her a surprise for her birthday, so looks like I have anything to setup.

Penne's excited that I making her a surprise for her birthday, so looks like I have anything to setup

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