Everything you can never have

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Hey so I'm new to this whole wattpad thing :P Usually I'm just the reader not the writer, I'm always afraid to do these kinds of things, but here goes nothing. Tell me what you think!

P.S i do not own the harry potter series! i wish though :P all right reserved to JKR, accept for of course the characters i make up they are my own :P

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chapter 1 prologue

Amasia Leighton POV (Ah-May-See-UH)

He was coming for her. I could feel it to my very core....the mark on my arm was burning, but I had to fight it. I had to get my baby out of here. She was all i had, and she was everything he could never have. I ran to the nursery and scooped my baby up in my arms, tears streaked down her rosy cheeks. Her little arms flailing about. I pulled her closer to me " hush little baby dont you cry", I whispered to her as I ran down the hall towards my room. I ran over to my bed and grabbed the red duffel bag off my bed. All I had time to grab was what little money i had some clothes for me and a few things for my baby.

The burning on my arm began to get stronger, I cried out causing my baby to wail louder. "Shhh mommy's here dont worry", I cooed as i ran to the front door. Once outside i apparated to a small muggle town called Cornwall. I rushed through the streets, it was the dead of winter and about 2 am in the morning. It must have looked odd to see a young woman barely out of here teens rushing through the streets with a crying baby in her arms.

When I finally reached the doors of the old orphanage, no lights were on. I grabbed the old brass knocker and slammed it hard against the door a few times. At first I heard nothing but then I could hear the creaks of stairs. I heard the door unlock and saw an old woman peer out. She was wearing an old flannel night gown and her silver hair was in rags, she had a candle in one hand and a wand in the other. When she saw me she looked frightened, she set down the candle and rushed me inside. " come in my dear! you look freezing!" she said as she pulled the door open wider. "Come ill worm up some tea for yah", she said as she began to turn away.

"No. I cannot stay". I said as tears spilled over.

I could tell she saw the pleading look in my eyes. "Don't worry dear", she gave me a reassuring look and reached out. I handed my baby to her. "Whats the little angels name?" She asked, slowly rocking her back and forth.

You see I never named her yet, I had barely gotten out of the hospital and been home when I found out he was coming to take her. "H-her name is Essence! Essence Leighton", I said reaching into my bag, I grabbed a locket with a picture or myself, the few pieces of clothing I had brought for her, and her blanket. I kissed the little silver locket and placed it around her neck, then placed a kiss onto her forehead. "I love you", I whispered as I walked to the door opened it and began to walk out.

"Does she have a father?" The old women asked.

I stopped in my tracks. Without looking back I said " no....no she has no father", with that I left my baby. I apparated as far from the orphanage as I possibly could. I ended up in a forest. I frantically looked around me for any sign of life. *CRACK!* I spun around and came face to face with him. I screamed and fell to the ground. I could see the furry emanating from his blood red eyes. He reached into his cloak and pulled out his wand and pointed it at me.

"Were is she?" He sneered at me. Terror ran through me, I tried to crawl away, but it was to late. "crucio! ".

My body began to snap and bend in painful ways, but I held in my cries......I wouldn't let him enjoy my pain. Tears silently slipped down my cheeks. "She will never be yours," I whispered. "You will never find her, I will never let her become you....never", I looked at him and smiled.

His anger flared up and I knew this was it. "Avada cadavra!" He yelled. The last thing I saw was a piercing green light then everything went black.


Yes yes i know how could i end it like that?! Muahahaha! just kidding :P If i could only get a few people to read this it would inspire me to continue.

sorry for any grammer/spelling mistakes i tried my very best to edit it. Comment! vote! enjoy!

thanks for reading

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