rain drops

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hey so two reads! yessssss! haha thank you so much to those tow people you are my heros ;)i guess im writing this for you and for me i just couldn't resist adding more to my story!

Disclaimer do not own the harry potter series or any of it characters JKR does, i own the characters that i create, and the twists that i ad to the story

-pic of essences cute cream dess on the side----------------->


15 years later, little Cornwall orphanage.

"Essy come down here! everyone is waiting!" Nanny yelled from the dining room. I sighed and climbed off the window sill from which I had been sitting on, tracing the drops of rain that drizzled down the glass with my pinky. Nanny was the lady who ran the orphanage. She was quite old, always frazzled, and running after the younger kids, she has to many wrinkles to count, and the softest brown eyes, that always seem to make you want to fall asleep when you looked into them. She has shoulder length solver hair that she always keeps in a simple twist atop her head.

I ran over to my mirror and glanced at myself. My waist length white/blond hair was pulled up into a messy bun, I had on a cream colored sun dress that had little brass buttons on the front, with pair of my favorite moccasins. The cream dress made my bright green eyes even more vivid and it hit my curves in all the right places. I heard a soft knock on my door. I ran over and opened it already knowing who was going to be there. MY best friend Valken price. He came here when he was 7, I was six at the time. I remember a man in his mid forties wearing a suit and tie, holding the hand of a little black haired boy with bright blue eyes. I ran down the stairs to open the door and there he was. Me being the outgoing child that I was ran up to Valken and grabbed him around the neck and hugged him. The man looked surprised and so was valken. "Your my new brother aren't you?" I asked excitedly. valken just nodded his head. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the yard and made him push me on the swing. Ever since then we were best friends.

"Happy birthday Essy!" He said pulling me into a hug. He was hugging me so tight that my face was squished against his chest and it became harder for me to breathe.

"Cant.....breath!" I gasped and he let go, giving me a cute half smile and running one of his hands through his black hair.

"Oh! Essy I got you something!" He said reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out a little white English daisy, and placed it in my hair. He knew they were my favorite.

Valken POV

I slipped the daisy into the side of her hair, they were her favorite. Essy looked beautiful. Everything about her was gorgeous, from her cute moccasins to her little cream dress, she didn't even have to try and she was beautiful. Every were we went people stared in awe at her. " Come on every one is waiting for us", I said grabbing her hand and pulling her down stairs.

"Happy birthday Essy!" Every one cheered. The room was filled with people. Essy blushed and looked away. I pulled her across the room to the little dining table were her cake was. Nanny had been working all morning on making this cake while the kids helped decorate with me.

Essy smiled at the little round light blue cake. "Thank you guys so much for all of this!" She said smiling at everyone.

We all began a chorus of happy birthday, when we were done I leaned over, still holding her and and whispered in her ear, "makes a wish Essy".

She leaned over and blew out all the candles. Everyone cheered and all the kids ran toward the cake as nanny began to cut it. Thank you so much nanny, she said as she wrapped her arms around Nanny's waist from behind, as she was cutting the cake.

"Oh Essy don't you worry about it, you deserve every bit of this", she said. once all the kids had gotten a piece of cake nanny reached into her apron and pulled out an envelope and a small leather pouch. " Here honey", she said handing them to Essy. She saw the look Essy had on her face, the look she had every year since she was 11. " Now dear before you protest I want you to think about it. Ive taught you all the magic I can and you can only read so many of the books from the library, you need real teachers in real classes, with other student. Your a very bright girl and you will do so well at Hogwarts, please at least think about it before you decline."

"Nanny you need me here! You and Joe cant take care of the the orphanage all by yourself.....Nanny your not as young as you use to be, I don't know what I would do if you got hurt while I was away...." Essy replied. Every time she received a letter later that night she would make me tell her all about my adventures at Hogwarts. She dreamed of going there, then I would here her cry herself to sleep. But this year was different there would be not crying herself to sleep.

She opened the letter, the first thing she did was pull out the list of things that were required for Hogwarts. "Nanny we cant afforded any of these things", she said shaking her head.

"Yes we can! I talked to Dumbledore about your situation," I said smiling at her. "The school is going to pay for all your supplies and robes! Essy please! For once do something for yourself!"

She looked between Nanny and I and we gave her reassuring smiles."OK....ill go!" she said as she pulled nanny and I into a hug. "Oh I almost forgot," she said pulling open the little pouch, when she saw its contents she gasped. "Nanny! there must be at least 70 galleons in here!"

"100 galleons to be exact" nanny replied. "And don't you think its to much for us to be giving you! Everyone pitched in and that's for you to be spending all on yourself!"

Essy kissed her on the cheek. "Now off to bed both of you, Im having joe watch the kids tomorrow while we go to Diagon alley to buy your supplies." She said as she rushed us upstairs.

~~~~~~~~~~ Valkens POV

"Tell me again about the sorting hat", Essy whispered as we sat on my bed, it was the middle of the night, and Essence was wearing one of my t-shirts and a pair of tiny black shorts, which made it hard for me not to stair.

"The sorting hat sorts you into the house it thinks you will do best in" I said again for the fifth time.

We talked for the rest of the night until she fell asleep, I picked her up and carried her to her room placed her down on her bed, grabbed her blankets and pulled the on top of her. "Sweet dreams Essy", I whispered and kissed her fore head.


hope you enjoyed it! What a sweet heart valken (played by nicholas hoult) is! possible boyfriend? hmmmm :P sorry that its kinda short i promise the next one will be longer! PS ill be uploading again tomorrow :)

thank you so much for reading :)

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