Diagon alley

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Five reads! yay hahaha i know its not much but thank you so much to everyone who read this!

Disclaimer! I do not own the harry potter series, JKR does! This is simply a fanfic! I do how ever own the characters i create!

sorry for any mistakes its 4 in the morning im trying my best! :P

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxChapter 2

Essence POV

"wow!" I exclaimed as we walked through diagon ally. "What happened? Its so grey! The last time we came here.....its was so beautiful and bright......", I said as I ran my hand along a dark shop window.

"Haven't you been reading the daily prophet?" Nanny asked we hurried along the empty grey streets. "He-who-must-not-be-named is back. His followers have been terrorizing everyone. People are to afraid to even leave there houses." She said giving me a worried look. "Now come along, we having things to get and I would like to be out of here as soon as possible. Hmm, Valken take Essy over To that shop to get her robes fitted, while i get the books she needs. "

Valken pulled me towards a dark green shop, with dusty windows that had robes on display. As we apporched me heard a yelp. "Ouch! Prick me one more time women and I swear my father will hear of this! You filthy h-", the voice was cut short when we walked in.

I met the eyes of and absolutely gorgeous guy. He was tall probably 6"2, he had shaggy ash blond hair that was gelled black, he had beautiful grey eyes. Under his robes I could tell he had a nice body, not super muscly but definitely had some muscle. "Hello? Earth to essence?" Valken said waving his hand in front of my face. I blushed when I realized that I had been stairing at the boy." Ah Draco Malfoy," he sneered.

The boy named draco glared at valken then at me."Didnt think you had enough money to afford this shop, price", draco said as he smirked at valken.

Valken clenched his fists and was about to say some thing, but he held his toungue. How rude! Draco may be beautiful but he was just down right mean! Valken grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door, "come on Essy, we'll come back when theres less scum in the shop".

"That draco seems like a real piece of work" I said as we approached a brightly colored shop. Its windows were filled with brightly colored toys and potions. "A joke shop?" I asked in amazement.

"This place is owned by my two best friends", he said as he pulled me towards the door. Valken had often talked about Fred and George Weasly, his partners in crime. The three of them were constantly pulling pranks on the teachers and other students.

"Valky!" two red head boys shouted as we walked in. They were both quite handsome, both with light green eyes. They ran over to us, "this must be the famous Essence!" one said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Ah george always a charmer", the other said as he sized me up. so the one that kissed my hand was george and this one was fred. "When you said she was beautiful, you weren't kidding", fred said nudging valken in the arm and giving me a wink. Both twins laughed, and I swear I saw valken blush. "Well why dont you two take a look around." Fred said.

"Ill catch up with you in a second essy," Valken said as he began a conversation with the twins.

I walked around the joke shop, they had everything from fever fudge to love potions. I ended up with two bottles of patented daydream charms (causes you to have an amazing vivid half hour long day dream), some fever fudge, some instant darkness powder, and a cute pastel purple pygmy puff whome i named sebastian. I walked up to the counter were george was and place all the item on the counter. "50 galleons, but for you 40", he said giving me a wink. I was starting to really like this boy.

I handed him the money as Valken walked up. "You done?" he asked me, grabing the bag with my purchased item in it off the counter.

"Yeah, bye fred bye george," I said as valken and i left the shop.

Through out the rest of the day we got my robes fitted i bought a beautiful grey owl with bright blue eyes. I ended up naming her iri.


sorry that it was a little short, its kinda blah :P but any way comment vote fan blah blah blah.


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